America, under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama, seems to be falling apart.
Race relations and attitudes are Balkanizing rapidly, with those on the fringe political left advocating violence against the police (and stripping you of your guns). Criminals are feeling emboldened by new initiatives to limit the police and cops are feeling like it’s open season on them with numerous attempted assassinations being reported on them (and firefighters) (Stories: Five attempts. More.) since the very public assassination of two NYPD cops by a muslim hoodlum gang banger about two weeks ago.
Shocking news from NYC: Cops are engaging in a virtual work stoppage, with nearly no enforcement actions being taken against anything but the worst offenses. Traffic tickets and notices to appear are both down 94% since the assassination of the two cops. Drug arrests are down nearly as much at 84%.
Major crime arrests are down 66%.
You remember the movie “Escape from New York”?
We’re about to see how long a major city can continue to exist without police enforcement of laws against minor crimes (and arrests on major crimes).
In the meantime, given the public assassination attempts on cops nationwide in recent days, now would be a good time to get that gun you’ve been thinking about buying.
The police can’t protect you.
That new gun (and the training to use it effectively) may be the only thing between your family’s safety and a violent criminal actor someday soon – unless you count a growing response time from the police.
Here’s a sample of the flood to come if things continue as they are:
Welcome to NYC Mayor DeBlasio’s anti-police neighborhood!
EXCLUSIVE: Man beaten in broad daylight in Bronx neighborhood
BEDFORD PARK (WABC) — William King has lived in his Bronx neighborhood for 40 years, and since 1974 he has felt safe – that is until Saturday afternoon when he was brutally beaten in broad daylight. The vicious encounter was caught on home surveillance camera.
“I got a cut above over my eyelid, and the side of my face is numb – I can’t open my mouth that well and I had a lump the size of a baseball on the side of my head,” says King.
The incident happened near the corner of Briggs Avenue and East 197th Street in Bedford Park – not in the wee hours of the morning, but at 2 in the afternoon on a beautiful, bright and busy day.
One man pounded the 67-year-old, while another acted as a lookout – both were left empty-handed.
“I believe it was a racial attack – they weren’t trying to rob me, I had money on me and my wallet and all. They weren’t trying to rob me,” adds King.
This my friends is why I have a ccw license.
I wholeheartedly agree that each law abiding citizen should have a CCW on him at all times; however, Mr. King’s attacker came upon him quickly from the rear. I doubt that Mr. King could have drawn his weapon fast enough to defend himself. Situational awareness is necessary, but I don’t believe anyone can have his/her radar up at all times. Could be wrong though.
The theory of having concealed weapons is so the criminal element is always guessing who is and isn’t carrying.
Wipe THEM from the face of the earth. Mr. King is right: “They’re animals; they’re NOT HUMAN AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!”
I have mine. God help anyone who tries to stick me up.