Photo via Conservative Treehouse


Donald Trump on talked gun rights and concealed carry today.  Here’s how it was reported by Concealed Carry Nation:

“A driver’s license works in every state, so it’s common sense that a concealed carry permit should work in every state. If we can do that for driving — which is a privilege, not a right — then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege,” he said.

Here’s more:

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump said Friday that the government should expand the gun rights of law-abiding citizens, while at the same time making life difficult for violent criminals by cracking down on them. Also, as part of his “position paper” on the Second Amendment, making sure that guns don’t fall into the hands of the mentally ill.

“The Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that belongs to all law-abiding Americans,” Mr. Trump said in the paper. “The Constitution doesn’t create that right — it ensures that the government can’t take it away. Our Founding Fathers knew, and our Supreme Court has upheld, that the Second Amendment’s purpose is to guarantee our right to defend ourselves and our families. This is about self-defense, plain and simple.”

As for national reciprocity, Trump takes the drivers license approach and makes sure to point out the difference between a privilege and a right.

“A driver’s license works in every state, so it’s common sense that a concealed carry permit should work in every state. If we can do that for driving — which is a privilege, not a right — then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege,” he said.

On the mental health front, Trump suggests that treatment programs be beefed up, and violent mentally ill individuals need to be kept off the street.

“We need to expand treatment programs, because most people with mental health problems aren’t violent, they just need help.” he wrote. “But for those who are violent, a danger to themselves or others, we need to get them off the street before they can terrorize our communities. This is just common sense.”

“And why does this matter to law-abiding gun owners? Once again, because they get blamed by anti-gun politicians, gun control groups and the media for the acts of deranged madmen,” he said.

You reckon you’ll hear Hillary or Bernie Sanders come to a similar full-throated support of the Second Amendment rights any time soon?

Or even John Boehner?  Or Mitch McConnell?

7 thoughts on “LIKE A BOSS: Trump talks gun rights today… treat a concealed carry license like a driver’s license”
  1. Whether he wins or loses Donald Trump has made the rest of the primary field change their talk about our rights. There are exceptions, such as Bush, Graham, and Christie, but look where they stand in the polls.

  2. I heard some a-hole on FoxNews this morning saying how Trump was imminently unelectable.

    Yeah, that bloviating anal orifice worked for Jeb’s campaign… part of the GOP establishment.

    Guess what, GOP establishment: There’s a whole lot of us who are sick and tired of your blowing us off after we put your sorry asses in office.

    Not only is Trump electable, he’s going to win this. I predict Reagan vs. Carter all over again.


  3. Unfortunately he also advocates strictly enforcing ALL gun laws on the books. Many of which 2nd Amendment civil rights proponents oppose. The operation he showcased was one that most pro gun groups opposed as overreaching and trapping innocent gun owners.

    I love his style, like his perspective on important topics, and really appreciate the discussions he started. Especially valuable are those subjects that the MSM and other politicians won’t mention.

    But, the devil’s always in the details.

  4. Good intentions, TERRIBLE idea.

    If the government is now officially in the business of issuing licences to exercise fundamental human rights, we are in DEEP trouble.

    I know that’s where we are now by defacto, but that is different than making it official policy that the federal government may grant or reject someone’s license to basic human rights.

    I’m sure Trump’s administration would never abuse that system, but I’m sure if we get a Hillary type in 2020 they would absolutely WET THEMSELVES at the idea of making it incidentally more and more difficult to get a concealed carry “driver’s licence”.

    This is exactly the kind of “compromise” that led to the NFA act and other ongoing federal violations of the Constitution. DON’T FALL INTO THE TRAP. DON’T PLAY BY THEIR RULES.

    The solution is national constitutional carry, not national carry licences.

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