We’re pleased to say that we are on Chicago Police SuperNintendo Garry McCarthy’s radar.
In fact, we’re under his skin too.
He whined at a news conference yesterday for media to quit “adopting the rhetoric of the gun advocates” in writing that Chicago has strict gun laws. His Orwellian comment was about as laughable as his tenure as Chicago’s Police Chief.
The Washington Times picked up the story.
Police superintendent: ‘Chicago does not have strict gun laws’
Chicago (Washington Times) – Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy implored the press Monday to stop characterizing the city as being strict on guns.
“One of the things that I would like to again try to clear up, and I ask you to please stop adopting the rhetoric of the gun advocates,” Mr. McCarthy said. “Chicago does not have strict gun laws.”
“The state of Illinois does not have strict gun laws,” he continued.
Despite the superintendent’s claims, Chicago has some of the strictest gun-control mandates in the country. “Assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines are completely banned and, until a 2010 Supreme Court decision, so were handguns.
Residents now can get a permit to own a gun, but the process requires training, background checks and a firearm owner’s identification card.
We’ve been tying Chicago’s Draconian gun laws to the violence in that city for quite some time now, and contrasting that violence with nearby Aurora, Illinois’ which is the state’s second largest city. Aurora doesn’t have Chicago’s silly gun laws concerning handgun ownership, and that city had ZERO homicides last year.
Most recently (that we know about), we savaged Obama and Chicago in a piece in the Northwestern University paper:
President Obama said this week that Congress should vote up or down on banning assault weapons, and called for universal background checks for gun owners.
In a speech in Minneapolis on Monday, he stated that the ban on military-style assault weapons should be restored as well as the 10-round limit for magazines.
Some say he’s gone too far, others say he hasn’t gone far enough.
“He doesn’t know what he is talking about,” said John Boch, president of Guns Save Life, a branch of the Illinois Rifle Association. “Gun control is racist, and the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is good people with a gun.”
The president is cleverly trying to distract the American public from the real problems like unemployment and the economy. It is a manufactured crisis, Boch said.
“Chicago has the strictest gun laws in Illinois and the highest crime rate. The president’s proposal will do nothing to solve the crime problem,” he said. “It will make it worse.”
Getting back to our old pal Garry McCarthy, the drunken street light assassin and more: Maybe his momma trained him that if he said something enough times that it would be true.
“I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.” “I will not wet my bed.”
Who knows.
Guns Save Life is not a branch of the Illinois Rifle Association. As far as I know, there is no organization named “Illinois Rifle Association”. There is an organization named the “Illinois State Rifle Association”, but that is separate from Guns Save Life.
Sounds like they got John Boch’s quotes right, however. That sounds like the John I know.
Guns Save Life is a regional civil rights organization that works
to educate the public about the benefits of firearm ownership.
The group had its origins as a county grassroots committee of the
Illinois State Rifle Association in about 1995, initially meeting
in Rantoul, and later holding its monthly meetings in the Jolly
Roger restaurant in Urbana, IL.
GSL was later incorporated as its own non-profit corporation and
today represent gun owners in Illinois, Indiana and beyond in
proactive grassroots activism promoting and defending firearm
rights and the civil right of self-defense.
GSL was later incorporated as its own non-profit corporation…
Perhaps we need to re-write that “about us” page.
In addition to Chicago’s ban on Personal Defense Rifles and standard capacity magazines, and their steadfast commitment to making the CFP permit process as difficult as possible for handguns – also note Chicago’s ban on laser accessory devices. Thank goodness they banned lasers on guns, or the murder rate might have topped 500 for last year and this past January might have been the deadliest in over a decade. Oh … wait …
So, BTW Garry, how’s that new “communications” girl in the office working out? We hear her specialty involves oral communications….
Chief McCarthy should specify how many of the 500 shot and killed in Chicago last year were shot by someone who has a FOID card, using a legally-purchased gun, in a situation other than self-defense or stopping a crime. He can then compare that to how many shooting were by person who illegally acquired and possessed the firearm used. A sad statistic not publicized is the 312 school children shot in Chicago during in the 2011-12 school year; 26 of them died.