Legal Insurrection is on a roll this morning.
They’ve got a list of war movies that gun-grabbing leftists might give us:
Exploiting Private Khan
Force 10 From Martha’s Vineyard
Saving Private Emails
Inglorious Cowerds
Apologies Now!
Full Metal Trigger Warning

War Hawk Down
Dependence Day
Leaving Private Ryan To Die Then Blaming It On A YouTube Video
American Griper
The Inconsequential Red Line
We Were Peace Activists
Aborted on the Fourth of July
Flags of our Social Justice Warrior Fathers
The Grand Confusion
Hillary’s Heroes
Got any to add? Leave them in comments.
Band of Conscientious Objectors
Peacenik Down
Dr. Feelgood
The Big Gay One
Full Metal Pants Suit
We Were Transgender Soldiers
Turdhead 4