The Daily Caller has an excellent article on selecting a shooting school.
We ran a similar article relating to training available in the midwest recently in GunNews and reprinted it here.
You’ve chosen a school; I would like to pass along some information that might make your tuition dollars go further. This is directed towards firearms and tactical training, but will most likely apply to other areas of instruction as well. The motivation for this article is watching students go through the same evolution as I did and wishing they didn’t have to climb the same costly, time-consuming, frustrating ladder.
I remember my very first training class. It was very exciting and a little scary. Who were the other pistoleros? Would they laugh at me? Would I hold the class up? There were many thoughts going through my mind as the class began. One thing many folks wonder about is “how safe is that person next to me?” From my studies, I found the vast majority of gunshot wounds occurring in training are self-inflicted (mostly offhand and strong-side hip injuries).
I asked myself several times, “Am I good enough to even take this course?” I know now, many first time students think the same thing prior to signing up. Many have even confided in me that they had to work up the courage up to even ask about taking the class. In some cases, I have also found the opposite to be true. I know many people who think that professional training has nothing to offer them.
My first class, like many other students, held the greatest amount of information I ever took from one lesson. Why? Because shooting isn’t that complex, and after you get the fundamentals: sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control and follow-though and technique (Weaver and isosceles stances, etc.), there isn’t a lot left. No matter how high speed a class is advertised, it’s still applying all of the basic knowledge you learned in the first course.