(GunNews) – We hear from time to time how influential folks and gun aficionados in far away places read and enjoy our own GunNews each month. We’re flattered to discover that the folks at Glock USA in Smyrna, GA read our humble little publication.
We discovered this when they notified us that they weren’t one bit pleased with our coverage a couple of months ago of David Acklin’s presentation on Glocks and some of the changes some have perceived in the newest Gen 4 pistols to roll off Glock’s line.
Their company’s corporate counsel sent us a terse letter demanding a retraction and apology for our coverage of some of the reported critiques of that brand.
We don’t print anything other than what we reasonably and prudently believe to be factual and accurate information based upon the knowledge we have at the time.
Our reports and reviews are written with an eye towards sharing solid information with our Guns Save Life family and to let them know what products seem to be great values and which have been found problematic, just as you would do for a friend.

Photo courtesy onpointsupply.com.
We don’t tailor our reviews and reports based upon advertising or out of fears of getting sued. Frankly, we’ve lost count over the years of the number of nastygrams from attorneys making all sorts of threats.
We’ve offered the people at Glock USA a standing invitation for them to send a representative to extol upon the virtues of their brand and their new Gen 4 guns and to bring samples to handle.
Perhaps this rep can offer a rebuttal some of the comments that were reported from Mr. Acklin’s presentation.
Of course, he or she should also be prepared for other intelligent and thoughtful questions from our knowledgeable and savvy audience.
We’ve also asked if they would be amenable to donating one of their products for our monthly drawing. The proof of the pudding to the slogan “perfection”.
Many of us love Glocks and use or carry them everyday. We eagerly await Glock’s response.
Reprinted from the September 2011 issue of GunNews.
Follow up: Glock hasn’t taken us up on our offer.
So, what was the hubbub about?
Reprinted from the July 2011 issue of GunNews.
Tech Time Speaker #1
David Acklin is no fan of the new polymer composite being used by Glock since the company was sold by Gaston Glock to a consortium of companies including Taurus and Smith and Wesson.“Gaston Glock sold the company but retained the rights to the polymer composite he developed,” Acklin said. And this new RTF material doesn’t absorb recoil like the old composite and it makes gunsmithing more difficult. “Sometimes you can’t get the pins out,” he said.
Gaston Glock, according to Mr. Acklin, was more interested in the plastic polymers than he was in making guns, per se. And that magic composite he developed and later used in his Glocks was something he wanted to retain control over.
Glock owns a great majority of the police market in America because of a quality product. However, in the late-Generation 3 and Generation 4 products, the quality control isn’t what it used to be, per Acklin and some of his discussions with some of the nation’s best Glock ‘smiths.
Where did this information come from? I wasn’t aware of this and I’m not finding evidence of it in original reporting. I did find an April Fool’s joke on one forum from last year about them being sold to Beretta. My understanding of the term RTF has to do with the grip finish, it stands for Rough Textured Frame, not a different polymer formula. I’d be surprised if RTF were the name of the grip finish as well as the formula for a new polymer. I’d be really interested to know more about this if you have information on this.
If you go to Glock.com, under Legal Notice, it still lists everything as property of GLOCK Gesellschaft mbH, Deutsch Wagram, AUSTRIA. I think you may have goofed. :o/
This is from Business Weeks websites current listing of Glock Ges. mbH
“Company Overview
GLOCK Ges.m.b.H. engages in the manufacture and sale of small arms for public law enforcement agencies in Austria and internationally. It offers pistols, as well as related accessories that include safety packs and locks, holsters, security cases, magazines, and options. The company also offers light modules, flash light adapters, electronics, and other miscellaneous accessories. In addition, it provides outdoor equipment, such as knives and entrenching tools, which serve various army requirements. Further, the company offers garments, including shirts, jackets, caps, pullovers, and hearing protection products, as well as outerwear and shooting accessories; and promotional items, which comprise key rings, stickers, paperweights, pens, pencil key rings, aluminum signs, and pins. It serves police, special units, security services, and military markets. The company was founded in 1963 and is based in Ferlach, Austria. GLOCK Ges.m.b.H. operates as a subsidiary of Glock Privatstiftung.
Hide Detailed Description
Loiblstraße 16
Ferlach, 9170
Founded in 1963
43 2247 90300 0
43 2247 90300 300
News story from this month regarding illegal imports to the Philippines and Glock Austria and the government of Austria are the primary parties concerned.