Photo courtesy News One.
Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” has added yet another member’s arrest to their impressive list of gun ban advocates getting themselves arrested and/or convicted of felonies while in office.
While the arrest of Trenton, NJ’s mayor and his brother (and an ex-con who is said to be one of the mayor’s closest associates) didn’t involve kiddie porn as have a number of the other arrests (what is it about the apparent affinity of gun haters for kiddie porn, anyway?), the Mayor and his pals are facing twenty years in federal prison for soliciting something that carries much heavier penalties than a seeking a date with a working girl:
“by the time the scheme was agreed upon, the “businessmen” would end up paying $119,000 to the mayor and Giorgianni. “
By the way, Mayors Against Illegal Guns are
Some members of MAIG have been convicted of crimes. These include:
- Baltimore, MD – Mayor Sheila Dixon.[43]
- Hartford, CT – Mayor Eddie Perez.[44]
- Racine, WI – Mayor Gary Becker.[45]
- East Haven, CT – Mayor April Capone Almon.[46]
- Detroit, MI – Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.[47]
- Guttenberg, NJ – Mayor Delle Donna[48]
- Jackson, MS – Mayor Frank Melton[49]
- Passaic, NJ – Mayor Samuel Rivera[50]
- Austin, TX – Mayor Will Wynn[51]
- Jersey City, NJ – Mayor Jerremiah Healy[52][53]
- Birmingham, AL – Mayor Larry Langford[54]
- Inglewood, CA – Mayor Roosevelt F. Dorn[55]
- White Plains, NY – Mayor Adam Bradley[56]
- Port St. Lucie, FL – Mayor Patricia Christensen[57]
We at Guns Save Life ran the numbers based upon Florida carry permit holders and found Mayors Against Illegal Guns were something like ten times more likely to be arrested for felonies than those licensed to carry by the state of Florida.
While we couldn’t find those numbers, and will probably revisit the topic soon as time permits, we did find a similar number crunching by Tennesseans who found:
MAIG members are 6.5 times more likely to break the law than TN HCP holders.
Nice, Mayor Bloomberg. Nice.
Mayor, Ex-Con Ran ‘Uncle Remus’ Scheme: Prosecutor.
Trenton’s Mayor, his brother and an ex-con are accused of running a scheme that included bribes, betrayal and an “Uncle Remus” code for carrying out their alleged criminal activities.
Mayor Tony Mack, his brother Rafael, and a third man, Joseph Giorgianni — an ex-con who is one of the mayor’s closest associates, according to prosecutors — are all charged in connection with the alleged scheme to commit extortion.