The old expression “When seconds count, police are only minutes away!” holds truer today than ever before, especially in New York City.
Today, in New York City, the average response time is about 4.6 minutes before police can arrive to shoot innocent bystanders or negligently discharge their guns to kill a victim fleeing an armed robbery.
Yes, we’re a little cynical about Mayor Nanny-state Bloomberg’s city, but we think it’s time for the mayor to explain why it is that he opposes allowing his subjects the right to defend themselves, while at the same time his police department can’t even arrive in the time it takes to smoke a cigarette in his crime-ridden city.
Crime may be at near record-low levels, but it took cops an average of 9.1 minutes last year to respond to crimes in progress — the NYPD’s worst performance since Mayor Bloomberg took office in 2002.
Figures released yesterday as part of the semiannual Mayor’s Management Report showed police response times slowed by 42 seconds to 9.1 minutes in the 2012 fiscal year, which ended on June 30.
…Response times to critical calls, such as a robbery in progress or a man with a gun, remained flat at 4.6 minutes.