Photo from cottonwoodretrievers.com.
The Youth Hunt will be held on Sunday, Oct. 21 at Green Acres Sportsmens
Club in Roberts. Time slots will be determined after we see how many kids
sign up. Please make sure you send in your RSVP so we can get the
schedule ready to go.
You must have your hunters safety card and your hunting license with you
in order to participate in this hunt. If you do not have them, we cannot
allow you to hunt. You do not need a habitat stamp to hunt at Green Acres,
but a hunting license is required. Make sure you purchase your hunting
license ahead of time.
You will need to bring your own shotgun, ear and eye protection, and your
own shells. Make sure you wear an orange vest and orange hat. If you do
not have a gun to use, make sure you let us know and we will bring a
loaner. If you need to purchase shells from us, please tell us ahead of
time so we know to bring them with us.
We will provide lunch to everyone. If you want to bring cookies or
donuts, please let me know. Make sure you get your RSVP in as quickly as
possible so we can make our plans.
Any questions, contact Fred Magers at 217-249-4726.