When the going gets tough, residents in New Jersey and New York have found government isn’t there to protect them from violent intruders, looters, rapists and burglars.
What do they turn to?
How about that?
All the sudden, in these anti-gun urban areas, it’s the gun owners who are suddenly everyone’s best friend.
And those without guns?
They are seeking their own or favor from neighboring gun owners.
“Keep an eye on my place,” homeowners without guns say to their neighbor with his shotgun or rifle.
“Got one of those I can borrow?” another non-gun owner asks his neighbor.
These non-gun owners are the sort of people who vote for politicians like Mayor “Nanny State” Bloomberg, Governor Andrew Cuomo, or Governor Chris Christie who would take away all of their guns or who would make lawful gun ownership an arduous, expensive proposition at every turn.
These same voters vote for state and local officials with a similar anti-self-defense, anti-gun viewpoint.
You would think, for the folks whose family tree branches, they would support those politicians who would support and defend their right to defend themselves.
There are now more and more stories hitting the mainstream media about the pervasive looting still taking place almost a week and a half after the super storm hit.
The anecdotal reports we’ve heard have said that looting and violence is *much* worse than is being reported by the media, as is the difficult living conditions for residents in the hardest hit areas.
Government “help” has been slow and spotty helping those who need it.
And criminals have been right there to take advantage of this.
We found this story particularly interesting:
Homeowners Issue Warnings To Looters Following Superstorm Sandy
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – In the wake of superstorm Sandy, reports of lootings across the Tri-State have been widespread.

Photo by CBS New York.
Areas hit especially hard by Sandy continue to deal with dealing with lawlessness.
Rockaways residents told 1010 WINS reporter Gary Baumgarten that looting and thievery have become such serious threats that taking up arms and fleeing town are the best options for staying safe.
“If you got bags coming in and they see that they can rob you,” said Thomas, who plans on taking a bus out of the Rockaways.
“Keep an eye on my place,” homeowners without guns say to their neighbor with his shotgun or rifle.
Okay, but I won’t take any steps to protect it – that’s YOUR job.
“Got one of those I can borrow?” another non-gun owner asks his neighbor.
Uh… no.
These people will just have to live with the consequences of their poor decisions.
These answers are exactly write. Consequences of actions sometimes really suck.
You are an idiot.
These answers are exactly Right not write !!!
that is kind of a double edged sword. you would want to show them that yea, they should have guns of their own. not helping them could persuade them that they should seek their own arms, on the other hand it could convince them that gun owners are complete assholes and they want nothing to do with it. remember they are sheep. helping them could convince them to buy their own, or it could convince them that you will always be there so they have no need for guns.
As a trained gun owner I would definitely take the opportunity not to be a snobby prick but to introduce someone who’s been brainwashed by the current system to their god given right to keep and bear arms. It’s better to be kind than right. Your neighbors aren’t the criminals and in civilized society we do have an obligation to each other. Keep in mind that as a firearms owner and citizen you have an opportunity to make our position look good in situations like these and win hearts and minds to our cause. You might be surprised at the good will you can build. Politics begins at home, locally. Save someone’s family and property from looters and their brains will begin ticking. Next thing you know you’ve got a 2A supporting, gun owning neighbor that will be there for you someday.
Or, stand up for your neighbors, loan them a spare gun after you spend an hour teaching them how to use it and set the example.
They’ll see the light and be more inclined to stand up for themselves, their community and our nation after it’s over.
Be the change and not the stereotype.
Yeah right — lend a gun to a neighbor with no background check? When he turns out to be a felon, who do you think will get prosecuted for that?
Or even better he shoots himself or a family member by accident and then sues YOU.
Sorry, they’re on their own.
I know my neighbors and which ones I trust and which ones I don’t, so I’ll make that call if and when such an urgent need arises.
*right (it’s early…)
Except that it’s entirely ILLEGAL to loan/transfer a firearm to another in NJ, with the SOLE exception of being at a shooting range, and while in your presence. So, NO, I do not have one you can borrow, as that would make me a criminal, thanks to the laws put in place by control freaks YOU elected into office. Have a nice day.
And you know half of these men haven’t ever shot a gun in their lives. Nice try, though, nice try.
I would strongly disagree. Men (and women) who own guns shoot them. Often.
Anyone who owns a gun shoots it often so they know how to use it. I’m guessing you don’t own a gun.
Tell them they can “rent” the gun for $5000, part of which is used to pay for:
1) A GOA (lifetime membership)
2) A gun of their own, and,
3) A firearms training course (or concealed carry course if possible).
The bulk of the money will be refunded when:
4) They promise never to vote for anyone who would restrict access to guns, and,
5) Tell at least 25 people about this agreement.
Why? Because the protection they are seeking is exactly the protection they have been helping to deny previously.
That’s certainly your right and choice, but I think I’d rather be the example.
Don’t you realize that is the idea of collectivism. You won’t be converting anyone into a gun owner with loaning them a gun. Why would they go buy one if they now know you’ll loan them one if they need it. Kind of like welfare isn’t it. The best way to convince people to change their situation, is to make them uncomfortable in it.
Stupidity *SHOULD* be painful, thus to discourage repetition.
Let them suffer and die for their belief in “The more Helpless you are, the SAFER you are”. Then if they survive, they will never seek to be helpless victims again.
Many well meaning, but foolish people believe: “I’ll teach them! I’ll loan them a gun and instruct them in its use, and they will be eternally greatful and learn to accept personal responsibility!”
Yeah, sure, that’s what’ll happen. Want to buy a bridge? It’s in Brooklyn . . .
While the thought is nievely sweet, it is unrealistic.
Why should *THEY* buy a gun, when they can borrow *YOURS*?
Society is made stronger, by the cowards being allowed to die in their cowardice and their stupid beliefs.
My belief? Why should a cop risk his life, to save something so insignificant (your life and the lives of your loved ones), that even the owner is unwilling to protect it?
Charlton Heston told a similar story of how his liberal anti-gun friends begged him to lend them firearms during the Rodney King LA riots.
Apparently none of them learned a thing since.
A part of my reason for having my c.c. license, is not only to protect my self, but protect those around me. I’ll be damned if I can ever help save a life and turn a blind eye because someone has been brainwashed into thinking my guns are bad. I would never loan one out for many reasons, but to just stand by and not do something, I could never live my self. However, after I did my part, you better believe I will rub my ability to carry in their face and give an I told you so every chance I get.