Bill Davis, the man who almost single-handedly distributed as many as 2,000 copies of GunNews Magazine each month to distribution points north of Champaign County on the I-57 corridor passed away Friday, November 2nd.
GSL has been blessed to have a number of remarkable men like Mr. Davis, who selflessly work behind the scenes, with little recognition or notice, for the cause of civil rights and decency. These volunteers have helped make Guns Save Life the incredibly successful organization it has become.
Mr. Davis’ monthly trek from picking up a trunk chock full of freshly printed copies of GunNews and distributing them at a host of locations (while listening to Rush Limbaugh, of course) over the last ten-plus years has helped get GSL’s message out to tens of thousands of folks in northern Illinois over the years.
From the truck stop in Gilman, for example, Mr. Davis-delivered copies of GunNews have circulated to every corner of this great nation and beyond.
A funeral Mass will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 10, at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Loda, with the Rev. Jose Kadukunnel officiating.
Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 9, at Baier Family Funeral Services, 406 E. Pells St., Paxton, with a Rosary at 7 p.m.
Godspeed on your journey, Mr. Davis. You will be missed by many and we thank the good Lord for sharing you with us for all these years.
Link to his obituary in the Champaign News-Gazette and the Bloomington Pantagraph.
Thank you for sharing yet another aspect of Bill’s caring and commitment to causes close to his heart. He is so tremendously missed by us, family gatherings will have a big hole without him there.
I want to thank you for sharing this about my Uncle Bill. He was a simple guy who never sought recognition for the things he did – he just did them. He was passionate about his beliefs and through him I learned the value of the second amendment. Every time I see one of your signs along the highway, I think of Bill. God Bless!