Meet David Victory.
He’s a 21-year-old first-class one-man crime wave, on parole from a four-year prison sentence for robbery in 2009.

It isn’t the “wild west” in Chicago as far as criminal punishments go. Far from it. In fact, if he had served his sentence, he would not have been on the loose to, as police say, shoot a motel clerk for refusing to rent him a room at the Karavan Motel.
He didn’t stop there with his asocial behavior.
He decided sometime in the following hour or so that he didn’t really want a couple of shocked 17-year-old girls with him to rat him out, so police say he attempted to execute them to get rid of the witnesses.
He wasn’t such a good shot though and almost missed shooting the first girl in the head, so he aimed for her chest. The second girl was shot in the leg as she ran away. Thankfully, both girls are expected to survive.
Why is Chicago so unsafe?
In part because of the early release of violent, predatory thugs that respect one thing and one thing only: lethal force.
It’s too bad the motel clerk wasn’t carrying a sidearm and shot this guy right in the face and put an end to his criminal endeavors.
But Illinois law prevents just that, thanks to our unconstitutional prohibition on right to carry that’s about 177 days from expiring.
We need safer streets and safer families. Right-to-carry will deter violent crime, making us safer.
It will even benefit those who elect not to carry the means with which to protect themselves.
Man accused in Chicago shootings had shot Cicero motel clerk earlier: police
(Chicago Tribune) – A 21-year-old Chicago man who allegedly shot two women in the Lawndale neighborhood early Tuesday morning has been accused of shooting a clerk at the Karavan Motel in Cicero just hours before, Cicero Police officials said on Thursday.
David Victory, 21, of the 600 block of North Springfield Avenue, was charged with one count each of attempted first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and aggravated unlawful use of a weapon by a felon, according to Cicero police officials.
Everyone’s biggest fear for IL is that their elected ones will only pass a “May Issue” carry law which will in effect prevent the citizens from ever carrying at all.
I assure you that’s not going to happen.
I certainly hope not, but currently 8 states play that game and I can’t see why IL won’t follow their lead.
“may issue” is on its way out. Keep your eye on Woollard v. Sheridan.
i hope y’all can get “shall issue” and “for all lawful purposes” but with the attitude of your chicago machine politicians the chances don’t look good. give them a good fight, and i do wish you good luck.
May-issue is not legitimate law, it is power usurped by state and local governments to restrict the Constitutionally protected right arbitrarily. For example, some may-issue allows local law enforcement officers to deny conceal carry permits for arbitrary reasons as reported by GOA in detail. Since it is acted upon as law in other states, I too am concerned that a miscarriage of justice could occur in Illinois should may-issue become so-called law. Let’s start with shall-issue law and work our way to Constitutional carry.