From the January 2013 Sangamon County Rifle Association meeting…
Don Gwinn addressed the audience at the Monday SCRA meeting and urged caution as far as our excitement over the recent Seventh Circuit decision granting Illinoisans right to carry. “Yeah, we won, but…” Gwinn said. In a nutshell, he covered all the things that can delay implementation of a new law.
Gwinn talked about the appeal process, opining that an en banc appeal by Madigan at the last minute was probable. [Editor: Indeed, that happened on the last day she could file.]
He talked about the possibility of her appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court and why that was a longshot to happen.
The en banc appeal is asking for the entire Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to hear the case, not just the three who ruled on the case. From what Gwinn’s hearing, it’s unlikely to happen.

The other half of the battle, Gwinn says, is the legislative battle to pass an acceptable bill before the June 9th deadline. Gwinn said some on the other side are suggesting a highly-restrictive “may issue” law but Gwinn says that’s surely not going to happen because we’ve got the votes to stop bad bills, so long as it seems we’re negotiating in good faith.
Gwinn noted that Brandon Phelps and other Illinois legislators aren’t going to be making major compromises as the Chicago newspapers are claiming they “must” do. “Don’t buy that for a second,” Gwinn said.
He also praised those present who called, sent letters or visited the capitol building in the recent push by gun banners to take our guns away. “We won because of you. Good job!”