Month: January 2013

Bank of America freezes gun company’s account

"We believe you should not be selling guns and parts on the internet." American Spirit Arms has, like most gun-related businesses, been doing a tremendous amount of commerce of late. Bank of America took notice when American Spirit's card processing spiked 500%.  Someone there didn't like the fact that American…

Obama and Crew: Bloviate. Posture. Bully.

A lot of folks are concerned about President Barack Hussein Obama's recent posturing in support of taking away guns Americans use to protect their homes and families from violent attack. Obama and his people have threatened executive orders banning guns, moving to re-create past tyrannies instead of moving towards greater… brings you: Dear Mr. Security Agent

Matthew Bracken penned a remarkable piece posted at Western Rifle Shooters. Yeah, it's a little long, but superbly written. A little red meat for red-blooded Americans and a not-so-subtle warning for blue-blooded Americans. The money shot: ...The unintended consequences of this misguided utopian fool’s crusade to ban guns would include…

Guns Save Life nets international publicity at BBC News

Guns Save Life netted some publicity across the pond at the British Broadcasting Corporation yesterday, with the posting of a video and story on Guns Save Life's activism defending American's right to defend themselves. UPDATE:  Actually, we're mentioned on the BBC News' homepage.  Twice.     Here's the link to…

You cannot fix stupid!

Yesterday Illinois became the fourth state to allow ILLEGAL aliens (not the little green ones from outer space) the ability to LEGALLY get a driver’s license. Among their many justifications was that it makes the roads safer. Story by Reuters - Joanne von Alroth SPRINGFIELD, Illinois "Supporters of the measure…