Month: January 2013

Journal News folds, pulls gun owner list

  The pressure was getting to high for the anti-gun newspaper which posted the names of gun owners in two or three counties in New York State.  Facing threats of crushing lawsuits as well as incensed gun owners, the Journal-News publishers pulled the list a few hours ago. The Journal…

Bad news aplenty for leftist gun-haters…

It's a bad day for the leftists of the world at war with the Constitution. They say they are at war with the NRA, but the NRA is nothing more than regular Americans seeking to protect and defend civil rights! The gun control fanatics are losing in the political realm,…

Richard Klein: Why I buy guns (updated)

by Richard Klein PREAMBLE Two common mistakes that many pro-Second Amendment people make are either  (1) complaining (to fellow gun owners) – or (2) preaching to the choir.  In this article I pledge that I won’t complain – and I won’t preach to you about why so ‘n so law…