This is delicious.
Sandy Hook dad testifying. Hat tip to Karl Denninger.
But criminals and tyrants beware, lockdown is not an option at the Stevens residence, and 911 will be dialed after the security of my home has been established.
…You will take my ability to protect my Victoria from my cold, dead hands.
I identify with and appreciate the speaker’s passion and reason. However, I feel his appeals fell upon deaf ears.
If only we could get more like him to speak out in public, and by public I don’t mean Facebook or blogs. Public, as in around other people at meetings, at IGOLD, at a rally. Now is the time to speak and speak loudly.
Those murdered at Sandy Hook are dead because of the egos and political values of those adults who naively believe they can socially engineer a near utopia of subdued controlled people.
Maybe this guy could run for Kerry’s senate seat?