stands outside the facility in Urbana. Moore was successful in his
appeal to overturn Illinois’ concealed-carry law.
Photo courtesy News-Gazette.
We were going to run this in GunNews, but didn’t have the space.
Here it is at the News-Gazette.
If they archive it, we’ll put the whole thing up.
But for now, here’s an excerpt and the link.
Meet the man responsible for carry in Illinois…
Champaign resident proud of role in concealed-carry ruling
CHAMPAIGN (News-Gazette) — Mike Moore says he is proud of a career spanning more than three decades working in corrections.
But the Champaign resident’s greatest legacy may be his role in helping to get Illinois’ law banning the carrying of firearms in public overturned by a federal appeals court.
Moore, 62, said he received training on how to properly handle, carry and use a firearm as a young man. He got his firearms owner’s identification card when Illinois first began requiring them, and he regularly takes part in target practice.
Moore was authorized to carry a gun both on-duty and off-duty during his 30 years with the Cook County Department of Corrections and during his time as a Cook County sheriff’s deputy.
“I started as a corrections officer and worked my way up the ranks to become a superintendent,” Moore said. “Part of my job involved disciplining criminals who didn’t follow the rules.”
After leaving the Cook County position, Moore moved to Champaign County, where he served as the superintendent of the county jail from April 2008 until his retirement in December 2011.
Since Moore had an administrative position in Champaign County, he was no longer legally allowed to carry a concealed gun.
“After spending more than 30 years with criminals, I found myself running into individuals who had been incarcerated from time to time,” Moore said. “Some of them were people I had disciplined.
“There were quite a few instances where they had a gun and I didn’t. Criminals are not going to go without their guns. Many criminals do not care about the concealed-carry law. They are going to keep their firearms.
“I felt unsafe, not only for myself, but for my family.”
Thank you Mr. Moore for your role in helping with anything you had to do with concealed carry in Illinois. Hats off to you sir…
Absolutely. We owe this guy as Illinoisans as much as all Americans owe Otis McDonald.
Amazing how much Illinoisans have done to expand firearm rights nationwide in the last few years.
Good job, Mike. And a sincere Thank You!
Thank you Mr. Moore.
Mike Moore and Otis McDonald – 2 individuals who have done the most damage to the gun control ‘utopia’ the leftists / statists want to impose on us all here in Illinois, and they are both African-Americans. You won’t see _that_ on any of the mainstream media as they continue to paint everyone pro-2nd amendment as a bunch of hillbilly rednecks just back from a Klan meeting who don’t like Obama because they’re racists.
Thank you Mr. Moore, and thank you again Mr. McDonald.