Tickets will be available Tuesday evening.
Guns Save Life is proud to announce our Fourth Annual Great Guns drawing. Tickets are just $5 each! The winners will be drawn at the February 12, 2013 general meeting in Rantoul.
Entries received on or before February 11, 2013 will be accepted for the drawing.

First Prize
Rock River Arms Entry Tactical AR-15 rifle, new in box. with a Dominator 2 EOTech sight mount.

Second Prize
M1 Garand made by Springfield Armory. This gun is in very good condition+, possibly unissued.
And it’s for a good cause!

Proceeds are used for local youth shooting programs. Last year, we donated roughly $5000 net proceeds from Great Guns III to the new indoor youth shooting range at Darnall’s GunWorks and Ranges.
Proceeds from Great Guns IV have been earmarked for the new indoor shooting facility seen in the above photo.
Question: Is there a limit to the number of entries or are you allowing however many entries people want to buy?
No limit.
Tix are $5 each or 200 for $1000.
Would love to win.thanks.
I’m ready to win
Thanks for the chance to win and for teaching our youth firearm safety.
Drool, drool…for a great purpose too!
What are the requirements to be able to buy a ticket.
Requirements: You can buy as many tickets as you want so long as your mailed request is received before the drawing.
If you win: You must be eligible to receive a firearm. If you don’t live in the local area, we can give you the information of our FFL and have the gun shipped to your local FFL, at your expense, of course.
At 66 years of age and a veteran I can remember two of my WWII uncles allowing me and my brother to fire this weapon in a dump when we had been shooting crows for them on their truck farms in southern Illinois in corn fields hides. We first had to prove we had the disciple and capability for use of any weapon, which obviously is no longer required to handle guns. It was a reward day for us both, the Springfield kicked like a mule, but shredded the objects that were small we shot, and we got to compare it that same day with the preferred weapon they fought against, the 8mm Mauser, it was louder I thought and kicked, both were very impressive to a kid of 13. The Springfield in distant shooting was a far superior rifle, and a lot easier to handle! When I served in the Air Force starting at 17 I went to the range with a 30cal carbine, hardly a comparison could be made, it up close and personal, flight survive weapon, it was all it was good for a short distant weapon. Will always remember the respect my uncles spoke of the enemies they took the mauser off of, my brother and me spoke many times over the years about this special moment, and out of five boys the only two that served.
I’m feeling lucky.
Is your Great Gun drawing open to “all” 50 states ? Just being proactive, Have you considered having you drawing in another state as a backup with the “leaders” seeking to steal them all ?
LOL. It’s open to anyone in any state.
Ye of little faith about our temper-tantrum leftist, gun-grabbing politicians. It’ll be legal to own these in IL on our drawing date.
I would be very happy if I won the rifle!
Me too!
Got a 30.00 birthday check from my Dad burning a hole in my wallet…. That’s 6 chances…. Guess I’ll need to stop by the bank & P.O. Consider 6 tickets sold to a worthy cause. Welcome to relocate the club to AZ, We won’t be following any diktates from the Marxist in chief. We’re as solid as Texas.
I’ll get a hard-count tonight on where we’re at on the $7,000 we need for those baffles. I’m guessing it’s about $3500 or so.
Get your tickets! We’ve got some kids who need baffles to use the other half of their new indoor range / future Olympic-level regional training facility!
Who do I make the check out to?
GSL or Guns Save Life
Would love to win a gun!
One day left. How do I buy a ticket as a guest?
Please be so kind to allow me to buy one five dollar ticket for the gun drawwing on February 12,2013.
I am retired and live in rural Virginia.
I saved every spare penny cutting hay and managed to save $50 to spend on myself over three years.
I have never entered a gun drawing but I admire your working with youngsters to teach them how to be responsible gun owners.
I remain
Robert Noth
contact me by my e-mail and I will give you my credit card number to buy one ticket. Thank you.
Is there any possibility that you can publish the winning tickets that were drawn? WOuld love to see how close I was to winning!
THank you!
same here.. couldn’t make it to the meeting last night unfortunately. Did I win? 🙂
Who won the gun drawings last night?
Who won?
Tyler Wilson and Mark Schad.