This is what 275 people assembled at a monthly Guns Save Life meeting look like.
Notice the dozen plus guys standing along the back walls.
And the winners of Great Guns IV:
Tyler Wilson, a young guy from Rantoul, won the AR-15 as first drawn. “I’ve been looking for an AR!” Tyler said after the meeting. (Aren’t we all?!) “But I thought I never was going to find one. Thanks!”
Mark Schad from Caraopolis, PA won the Garand. Mark didn’t have a phone number on the ticket, but we’ll email him or send him a letter to make arrangements for him to get us his favorite FFL’s information.
If you know either of these guys, tell ’em congratulations!

There were at least three more tables on the right that are not in this picture (you need to get a wider lens) and 10+ people standing by the door. We also got a record number of new members at the meeting – GSL is growing exponentially. The recipe for success? 1) good, informative, and fun meetings; 3) strong, engaging leadership; 4) population that has been mobilized to action by the constant attacks on their rights.
congrats to the winners… looks like a larger meeting location may be needed soon?
Moving to “the Linden” in Rantoul effective our April meeting.
The KC has been wonderful, treating us like family, but we’ve outgrown their fine facility. I certainly will miss them. Great people there.
I really enjoyed GSL meetings at the KC, but skipped the last three meetings due to the “overpopulation” situation.
We will return to the meetings at the new venue.
Congrats to the winners, was sure hoping to win the AR myself, …oh, well, maybe next time.
It is sure good to see the great turnouts at the meetings, I enjoy them for the information and cameraderie, and of course the firearms! It is true that after attending a couple meetings, you start feeling like family as all that attend are gracious and cordial to others.