Today, Capitol Fax has a blaring headline “Poll: 72 percent of Illinoisans want stricter gun sale laws“. Clicking through, you can read how Illinoisans allegedly want to ban America’s favorite rifle. What’s next? Are Illinoisans going to want to ban America’s favorite pastime as well?
Who conducted the poll? Why, none other than the Southern Illinois University Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, known for its left-leaning bias, as was the newspaper where the PSPPI’s new director David Yepsen hailed from, the Des Moines Register. Yepsen, the former chief political correspondent, bailed the Des Moines Register a couple of years ago like a rat from a sinking ship as the newspaper was laying off staff and furloughing employees.
Looking under the hood, it’s no surprise in the results achieved by Yepsen and his colleagues at SIU’s Public Policy Institute in their push poll. The poll used all of the inflammatory buzzwords used by leftist gun grabbers to push the results in the desired direction – in this case towards gun control.
It’s interesting that Paul Simon’s daughter, Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon is chairing Governor Pat Quinn’s gun control council. And while Paul Simon is no longer on the sunny side of the grass, Sheila Simon hails from SIU and has yet to meet a gun control law she didn’t support.
Do you know anything about their sampling method and survey administration protocol? Can’t find it on their website. Have you ever heard of social desirability bias? LOL
Only 72 percent? Do they really suck at it so bad or is an attempt at creating a semblance of objectivity? I bet we could design and administer a survey where 95%+ of respondents would support the abolition of the First Amendment!
Why can’t these wak jobs just ge
t a life and leave everyone alone.