More and more companies have announced they are restricting sales not only to civilians, but also law enforcement and government purchasers in states which have passed restrictions on civilians owning modern firearms and accessories.
The list is growing rapidly and is now up to nearly three dozen companies, with more coming on almost hourly.
Here’s the list of the good guys standing behind freedom:
- LaRue Tactical
- Olympic Arms
- Extreme Firepower Inc, LLC
- Templar Custom
- York Arms
- Cheaper than Dirt
- Midway USA (2nd)
- Barrett
- Ace Limited
- Doublestar
- J & T Distributing
- J & G Sales
- Spike’s Tactical
- Bullwater Enterprises
- Westfork Armory
- Smith Enterprise
- Alex Arms
- Quality Arms
- Liberty Suppressors
- American Spirit Arms
- Trident Armory
- Head Down Products
- Bravo Company USA
- Primary Weapons Systems
- Crusader Weaponry
- Top Gun Supply
- Kiss Tactical
- Clark Fork Tactical
- OFA Tactical
- One Source Tactical
- Templar Tactical Arms
- NEMO Arms
- Big Horn Amory
- Controlled Chaos Arms
- Red Jacket Firearms
- Norton Firearms
- SRT Arms
- Your company next?
Credit where credit is due: NC Gun Blog is keeping a master list and has had a few that we missed. Good work to him!
Update: We’re now on Drudge Report!
If you know of additional companies holding law enforcement and government agencies to the same standards as civilians, please make a note of it in the comment section and we’ll link to them.
Want to help the cause?
Our friends at the Firearms Policy Coalition have a delightful page where you can enter your personal information and they will broadcast a letter urging the companies to join the boycott of law enforcement and government purchasers in these states which deny their residents the ability to defend themselves with modern firearms.
It takes all of two minutes and will make a difference! Do it now. We’ll wait for you to return and then we’ll tell you about the folks at Armalite who have doubled down on their plan to continue selling their rifles to those people who will enforce these gun bans on regular residents of those restrictive states.
And then there’s Armalite…
Not only are they standing up to civilians asking them to stop selling to those who will enforce these gun bans, they are doubling down.
Here’s how it started out:
Armalite, when contacted by a gun owner to urge them to decline law-enforcement and government sales to states like New York, they sent this charming reply from a sales rep at Armalite:
Dear concerned gun owner,
First of all I would like to say thank you for filling my email with all this spam email.
Second, I am not sure where you got this blanket email from to send out as spam, but please stop it.
Third, The manufacture is not the one you need to convince.
You need to convince the law enforcement agencies and the common people about their mistake in electing these officials and have them removed. Again NOT the manufacture.
AR Stands for ArmaLite…
Pat Raley
Master Armorer / Sales Rep.
ArmaLite, Inc.
P.O. Box 299
Geneseo, IL. 61254
Mark Westrom, Armalite’s president, released an “explanation” in which he refused to join the boycott, instead saying police officers’ lives are worth more than us lowly regular, everyday Americans. As such, Armalite will continue to supply their product to law enforcement officers who will enforce the ban on civilians owning America’s favorite rifle and hundreds of other modern firearms popular with the public for self-defense use.
The backlash to that post in Facebook resulted in Armalite pulling their Facebook page down as enraged gun owners buried them in negative comments.
Here’s an excerpt from Armalite’s follow-up message from its President Mark Westrom:
…We at ArmaLite observe that the majority of our rifles now used by Police officers were purchased by the officers themselves. I will not abandon them because of the actions of their State legislators. I will support them to the extent allowed by law.
Hey, Armalite employees: You might want to take that shovel away from your boss and pull him out of the hole before he digs you out of work.
We doubt law enforcement sales are going to put food on the table for all of you six months from now when this manufactured crisis has passed.
In the meantime, we guarantee you that Guns Save Life will not be buying an Armalite product for the Great Guns V drawing later this year. Frankly, at this point, we would not sell tickets on an Armalite product even if it was donated to us.
Oh yes, gunowners tend to have a long memory..
The only Armalite product I own is a little ar7. I have permanently DEMILLED it. Armalite can have the remnants if they like.
United We Stand….Divided YOU go out of business!
I’ll never own another Armalite. For me, it’s too late for them to wake up and change their policy now. Perhaps they can turn it around and still hang on to some civilian sales.
For the sake of their employees, I hope they can survive on pure government sales. Because they’re kissing the civilian market goodbye.
Now, how about going after the ammunition companies, …have them restrict their sales to law enforcement agencies to 10 rounds per month? or maybe 10 rounds per agent/officer per month? Just an idea, just like Barney Fife (Mayberry / Andy Griffith) they only get 1 (or 10) rounds until they account for it/them, then they can “sign out” 1/10 more?
Oops, meant to say ….to agencies in states that restrict to 10 rounds per magazine for the rest of the population, …just as a political statement, maybe then the ammo inventory will get built up to normal levals so the rest of us can find ammo again
In NY, it would be 7. 🙂
Firearms are useless without ammo. The governments plan is to keep ammo from us by buying it all. Please ammo manufactures deny the enemy from denying us. I will not buy from government sellers!
“But, it worked so well, for S&W, during the Clinton years…”
A reminder: http://www.lneilsmith.org/smithandwessonmustdie.html
Lots of good ideas, just change S&W to Armalite, and Clinton, to King Barry…
Cheaper Than Dirt shouldn’t and doesn’t count. 1)given their propensity to gouge consumers, the fact they are owned by armalite and the fact that they are not a manufacturer, but a reseller.
Perhaps an embargo by Armalite’s suppliers might be effective?