OOPSIE DAISY: Obama Fails to Register ‘Organizing For Action.net’; Site Points to NRA Home Page
(Breitbart) – At the beginning of the year, President Barack Obama’s new 501(c)4 political nonprofit, Organizing For Action, was launched with all the usual bells and whistles. But the tech wizards at OFA forgot one important rule in today’s Internet world: Register all the iterations of your website address before someone else does.
Now Obama’s team is filing complaints against the folks smart enough to get the addresses before he did.
As Obama’s OFA made its debut, no one in his purportedly Internet-savvy campaign had obtained the corresponding .com, .net, .org or .us sites, nor did OFA register other names that are close to its official one, as is the sensible practice. In the case of the .net address, a fellow named Derek Bovard had already registered the .net address by the time Obama’s team took notice.
Bovard has routed his new site to the homepage of the National Rifle Association.

In Springfield today, the Illinois House is considering a slew of Amendments to a possible carry bill. One of them is whether or not to allow license holders to carry in schools.
Those in denial pretend nothing bad ever happens on school properties.
Here’s a story about registered sex offenders working or attending colleges and vocational schools in south Florida. I mean, registered sex offenders and cute coeds, mandated by law to be unarmed and relatively defenseless… what could possibly go wrong?
MIAMI (Local10.com) – State records show more than 100 registered sex offenders attend or work at colleges, universities, or vocational schools in South Florida.
While nearly every college, university, and vocational school in South Florida has registered sex offenders enrolled or employed, Local 10 found most students had no idea who is sitting next to them and teaching them in the classroom because the state doesn’t make the information easily accessible.
Black Leaders: ‘Direct Correlation Between Gun Control And Black People Control’
(CNSNews.com via Breitbart) – Gun control dates back to laws before and after the Civil War that prohibited or restricted African Americans from owning firearms, a group of black leaders said Friday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
“History is [rife] with examples. There’s a direct correlation between gun control and black people control,” Stacy Swimp, president and CFO of the Frederick Douglass Society, said at the event.
Defense Distributed perfects the 3-D printed AR lower receiver.
Diane Feinstein reportedly soiled herself this morning, big potty style, when she saw the news that Defense Distributed has successfully test-fired a 3-D printed AR-15 lower receiver (the part that’s considered a “firearm” by ATF).
Gun Boycott
Where are we at on the boycott against selling guns and accessories to law enforcement and government in New York State and other similar locales?
87 according to The Police Loophole.