Starting Mar 1st, we’re going to change the advertising structure on our website.

The block of ads in the upper right of each page will remain there and be expanded to eight to ten slots.  Advertisers can buy 1, 2, or even numbered multiple slots at $25 per slot per month, payable within 30 days of ad submission.  Placement will be in the order in which orders are received, except for single panel ads which may slide up to fill an open slot above a multi-panel ad.

There will also be a new block of ads in the lower right of each page, below the calendar and the control panels.  These blocks will be sold on a similar basis and size to the upper right blocks, only the price will be $10 per panel per month.

We guarantee these rates for up to six months and will review the ad rates and structure and make necessary changes.

These ad blocks will appear on every page and are independent of advertisements published in GunNews Magazine.

What are you getting?

In short:  For just the Illinois readers…  we’re getting about 750 Illinois visits per day for an average of 2.38 pages per visit and they spend over 7 minutes per visit on the site.

Overall, we’re averaging roughly 4,040 visitors a day who are reading 1.55 pages per visit and spending nearly 3:00 per visit on the site.

Google Analytics Reports.

Analytics Audience Overview 20130101-20130227

Analytics Location 20130101-20130227

Analytics Location wide 20130101-20130227

Analytics Worldwide Location 20130101-20130227


To advertise on Guns Save Life, contact John Boch at templar223 at or call 217 649-3702 or John Olson at john.olson80 at gmail dot com.

Thanks in advance.