Dennis H. Boston, IV, of Urbana, IL commits an armed robbery for which he is caught, acting like a grade A thieving thug. The local State’s Attorney pled away two other armed robberies – with a firearm no less – along with another aggravated robbery.
Four robberies and this scumbag is allowed to skate with probation? And then he’s allowed to leave the state to attend college in Missouri? How long will it take before he’s committing armed robberies on that campus? Would you want your son or daughter attending class alongside this piece of human debris?
And the wizards of smart in Springfield want additional gun ownership restrictions on us law-abiding folks.
It’s enough to make a fella mad.
Or, as one of our members, Rudi Laufhutte wrote:
I would like to draw your attention to the article in today’s News-Gazette, titled “Armed Theft of iPad outside coffee shop nets probation”.
Here you have, neatly encapsulated, everything that is wrong with our gun grabber crowd: we do NOT enforce the laws on the book already. No way should that perp have gotten probation after use of a firearm in commission of a robbery. Bet you also that he did not have a FOID card.
So let’s pass a few more laws restricting law abiding Citizen’s second amendment rights.
Here’s a video of the armed robbery as it occurred.
Armed theft of iPad outside coffee shop nets probation
URBANA (News-Gazette) — A man who robbed a 48-year-old Champaign man of his iPad outside a campus coffee shop in 2010 has been sentenced to 18 months of probation.
Dennis H. Boston IV, 20, who listed an address in the 1600 block of East Florida Avenue, Urbana, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to theft.
As part of a plea agreement, two other charges of armed robbery armed with a firearm and aggravated robbery were dismissed.
Judge Harry Clem sentenced Boston to 18 months of probation and nine days in jail, with credit for the nine days he has already served in jail.
Boston is also required to complete 30 hours of community service.
The judge allowed a motion by Boston’s attorney, Myron Goldstin, for Boston to leave the state to attend college in Missouri.
That is exactly my thoughts when I read the article. At least when he trys another robbery in Missouri there is a chance a legaly armed citizen will end his career.
This schmuck wont last one semester in college. I have worked in a remarkably similar ‘community corrections’ job, and never seen one complete more than two semesters, and that only once.
Could this be posted on facebook so I could share it? thanks
Wizards of smart?
Would that refer to 997 supporters?
Permission slip structure supporters?
Training requirement supporters?
Trading some rights for others supporters?
Poll tax supporters?
Fingerprinting and universal background check supporters?
Shall issue or may issue supporters?
Supporters of legislation that bans rifle carrying altogether?
Rifle and magazine ban supporters?
Registration supporters?
I’d submit that about the only people the wizard label there wouldn’t apply to would be those standing on principal in the corner of Constitutional Carry.
Might this article finally get folks to turn away from the permission slip structures they are told are such “good deals”? I certainly hope so.
Crikey. Can someone bring out a picture of a dead horse?
I sent this to my local representatives. You should too. They need to be made aware of this and reminded how the lack of enforcement and punishment is the real problem, not more laws. Hammer our politicians with facts and evidence.