Reports are rolling in that Former Chicago Alderman Sharon Dixon was caught out front of a Chicago Police Station this weekend with a loaded .357 revolver.
She was initially arrested for Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapons and instead of taken to jail, she was taken to Mt. Sinai Medical Center for a mental health evaluation.
She was released without charges.
And the Democrat Machine operatives are working to keep it quiet.
It’s just another story of how the “anointed” ones can carry in Illinois, while regular citizens are left defenseless.
It’s no wonder the Chicago Democrat elitists in the Illinois General Assembly are desperately doing everything they can to stop the peasants from legally carrying guns.
Second City Cop is all over it:
- SCC, Check the Q for the 010th District on 04 May 2013 you will find another political animal got arrested. caught with a gun that the bosses are trying to keep quiet
- The 010 district former alder woman Sharon Dixon got arrested the other night in front of the 010 for agg uuw loaded 357 and no Chicago permit. She used the I’m a former alderman excuse and wanted to call former mayor Daley and our former “Gotta Run” superintendent Jody P. Weis. Whether she was just playing the system or she really is a mental. She was charged finger printed and sent to Sinai for a mental eval and was later rwoc. On another note if she is a mental she still has a valid foid card. I thought gov pansy was going to have state police start revolking mentals foid cards if they have them. It would be a great photo opt for sherrif iive never been the police but knows everything about the law going to her house and removing all weapons and her foid card from her possession. Only the best and brightest dumbocrats for the city of Chicago. Un fucking believable.
- Yesterday ex alderman Sharon Dixon from the west side was caught with a loaded hand gun standing in front of the 010th dist station. She was NOT arrested. She was taken to MT Sinai for a mental evaluation and that was it !!! This POS HATED the police and made trouble for many while she was in office. NO CB #. What a joke.
- Does anyone have info on former aldercreature Sharon Dixon getting arrested in front of the 010th District station Saturday morning while pacing up and down talking to herself drawing attention to herself. Apparently, she was arrested after she was found to be in possession of a loaded revolver and convieniently taken to a hospital for a psych exam. Rest assured, this weapon was not an “assault weapon” nor contained a “high capacity” magazine. Lets see how “justice” or the politically correct “social justice” will be administered in Crook County for a fellow Dem.
- In other news, a former West Side Alderwoman was locked up with a pistol, of course it’s all hush hush!!!
Looks like even Chi town has realized prosecuting AGUUW is a duck mission.
Some might view this as more elitism but I thinks an example of what’s coming.
Any takers on a bet this gal gets PAID in the form of a settlement?