Isn’t it odd how criminally-inclined people are some of the most vigorous advocates of disarming their fellow Americans?
Like the rapist in Ohio that attended a number of anti-gun rallies and spoke to the media…
This one, though, is about one of the most vocal advocates for civilian disarmament of the Sandy Hook families…
MILFORD, Conn. (AP) — A man whose 6-year-old son was among those killed in the Newtown, Conn., elementary school massacre was scheduled to appear in Connecticut Superior Court Wednesday on larceny and other charges.
Neil Heslin, who has lobbied Congress and the Connecticut legislature for increased gun control in the wake of the shooting, had five separate cases listed on the docket in Milford Superior Court.
The News-Times of Danbury reports Heslin faces charges that date back to July 2011, three of which involve allegations he issued bad checks to purchase building materials for his construction company.
The two other cases involve checks on closed accounts that Heslin allegedly used to pay for just over $1,000 worth of home heating oil in June 2012 and a check for $102.35 worth of repairs to his vehicle at an Ansonia tire shop six months earlier, the newspaper reported.
Heslin, who has pleaded not guilty to all the charges, referred questions about the case to his attorneys, who did not immediately return calls seeking comment.
He still has just as high a credibility rating with me as he ever had.
Just as high credibility with me too. None.
It’s so self centered that because something happened to you, you want to impose totally unrelated laws against the freedom of every other unrelated person in the country. These laws have nothing at all to do with the killer of these children.
To forbid or make into criminals the vast numbers of good people in this country who want to own a standard gun with standard capacity magazines to protect their own children. That makes no sense at all.
The number of guns owned in this country has maybe doubled in the last 18yrs and the gun crimes rate has dropped 40%, announced today by the government.