We found this story online at the One Million Moms Against Gun Control blog about the poor treatment of a couple of our nation’s finest at MegaSports in Plainfield.
They’ve had a growing reputation for poor customer service and borderline obnoxiousness on good days.
We thought we would pass this one and let you make a decision for yourself if MegaSports is a place you want to spend your money.
If Mega wants to hold their customers to significantly higher standards than laws in this repressive state require, then so be it. We can vote with our wallets if we want to participate in commerce with them.
I contacted Mega Sports inquiring about an ammunition purchase. They had the ammo that my fiance wanted to purchase for her pistol and AR-15. They did not say on the phone that it was their store policy to not allow anyone in without a FOID card even if they are a non-resident. My fiancé and I are both United States Marines with valid Military IDs, she is an Illinois resident with a valid FOID card. Non-residents are not required to have a FOID card. She was recently injured in a line of duty accident. She broke her Tibia, Fibula, and heel requiring corrective surgery. She requested that I drive her to Mega Sports due to the fact that her right leg is broken. She could not drive to purchase ammo to legally shoot at a range we have frequented with no problems.
Once we arrive at Mega Sports, we are stopped by a Man wearing a hat with a USMC pin on it who tells us he needs to see our FOID cards. My finance presents hers and I explain that I am not an Illinois Resident and per the Illinois State Police ( the issuing body of the FOID card) I am not required to have one. I offer him my valid DL and Military ID, he tells me he won’t accept either form of identification and I have to sit at the front of the store while my injured fiancé has to wonder around alone looking for the ammo. She returns to the front of the store with the ammo and attempts to purchase it. The gentleman then told her that she would not be allowed to purchase ammo because it was obvious she was only buying it for me and she had never handled a weapon before. She explains this is not the case and even if it were I am a NON RESIDENT and not required to have a FOID card he tells her that she doesn’t look like she’s ever handled a fire arm in her life and that she needs to leave.
My fiancé is not only a 12 year veteran of the Marine Corps but she is also a 3 time award expert shooter with the M16 and M9 Beretta. She is a Veteran of the Afghan war who served as the Squad Leader for a Female Engagement Team in Helmand Province Afghanistan with 2nd Bn 1st Marines in direct support of combat operations. Her picture is in the Marine Corps Museum in Quantico, Virginia for actions while serving her country in combat during a time of war.
I live near “mega” Last weekend I drove 100 miles rounf trip to go to Gat to buy a pistol. First time I’ve been there. The service was AMAZING from everyone from the sales staff to the parperwork girls, to the guys in the ammo department. When I pick up this gun, I’m putting in an order for a long gun, anicking up a laser sight and more ammo. I figure I’m going o be spending near $2k there this year. They can send a thank you card Mega for the referal. Oh, and the bathrooms are spotless – and beaustifully tiled. 100% worth the drive.
My brother and his wife had a similar experience. I won’t be going there for anything anytime soon.
Folks have to learn that their votes with their dollars matter as much or more than their ballot castings. I have an idea for a semi formal response to this egregious garbage.
A group of people get together and first go to a competitor of this store. Make purchases – keeping the receipts handy. As a group, speak to management and tell them why this group purchase was made. Now head over to Mega. Collect up all the same goods that were just purchased and line up at a register. Ask for the manager and when he or she arrives push all the carts into a grouping and have everyone hold up their receipts from earlier. Explain that all the dollars in those carts was LOST SALES that went to a competitor precisely BECAUSE IF AND IN RESPONSE TO the substance of this article.
Oh and have the IPhones record the entire thing.
Such a video would go nuts on YouTube. Viral instantly. And it will be repeated all across this country as a result.
Nice thought. .. too bad cell phones are banned in their store :-/ I was in their parking lot not long ago on my phone finishing up a call when the door henchmen came out to tell me I had to either get off the phone or finish my call off their property. .. This was in the stupid parking lot for crying out loud. .. That’s just one example of their ridiculous rules
What’s stoppin’ ya assrak? yer idea, GIT-R-DUN!!!
You do realize that:
A) The law is the law
B) Megasports does not write the law
C) The state of Illinois is very damn serious about enforcing the law, and would be very damn happy to put Megasports out of business
Gun stores are not our enemies.
You do realize its not against the law to talk on the phone inside or outside of megasports… you do realize it’s not against the law to browse a gun stores merchandise without having an FOID don’t you. ….. you do Realize she tried to buy ammo legally and was refused. ……..megasports is not our friend.
My guess is mega will deny conceal carry permit holders (once permits become available) from entering their place of business. .. just like unGUNfriendly T.G.I.F does
Yea the first time they asked me I thought it was a temporary things couple weeks later I went back and foid card thing again so showed it and alled them why. They told me their new policy. NO one enters without foid card I thought that was odd they’ll loose a lot of business. Maybe you want something that doesn’t require a foid card to buy and you can’t even get in to buy it. I told my friend about that and he told me then that he’de. Never go
There and I KNOW. He has a foid card—O. Well I’ll join You. I won’t go back either
I would recommend they simply file a lawsuit for false advertising. Deceptive Consumer Practices or such, wherever they are.
The merchant placed merchandise on the shelf marked with prices, clearly for sale, and then declined the sale.
Hold a press conference on the courthouse steps after the first hearing, explaining that both of these American patriots serve their country faithfully.
Cause “Mega” as much SHAME as possible.
If I knew what or where they were, I’d join the boycott., too, but I’ve never heard of Mega.
I went in there last Sunday just to experience their antics.
They carded me at the door, I was then ignored for the most part. It’s arguably a beautiful store, doubled in size, and everything in it is priced at top retail levels.
Fair amount of ammo. Limits on 9mm were five boxes, no 22lr, other than the ely competition stuff at 20$/box. Used 686 revolvers were almost 700$.
Only about 10 used guns, nothing but new product in all the other cases. After ten minutes I was asked if I needed help, seemed more like “buy something or leave” vibe….
They always have help wanted signs posted.
I think I know why.
J.R. Shooting Sports, Marengo Guns, Gat Guns are up to 140 mile round trip for me. All great places and where I’ve spent my money and will continue to spend my money
Mega (pain in the ***) Sports is a couple of mile from me and pass it going to work everyday. And I will not go there any more. Paper signs all over. FOID card check, no phone in hand, no phone calls, no cameras. Don’t even try to take a Ipad into the store to show what you want.
I suggest someone report this to the commander Great Lakes Naval training center and have Mega sports blacklisted so that no military active or reserve shop there . This treatment of our military personnel is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated, as a former Navy corpsman who served with 2nd Marine div. I am infuriated by this treatment of two American heroes . Gun stores are not the enemy but when they act this way they are just as bad as the anti gun liberals.