In case you ever wondered if we’re just blowing smoke when we ask you to call…
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May 17, 2013
The Illinois Senate adjourned without acting on Senator Kwame Raoul’s House Bill 183. As I wrote earlier today, we expected a vote on the watered-down concealed-carry measure, as the Senate President had been working the bill quite hard. Your phone calls and e-mails are working! Let’s keep up the pressure. Encourage your friends and family to politely call other members of the Illinois General Assembly to voice their support for a comprehensive concealed-carry bill. We will continue to fight on for legislation that enables all Illinois citizens to have the same concealed-carry rights. Sincerely,
Chapin Rose
Let them know: One State, One Law for carry. Shall Issue, not may issue. When I called my Senator’s district office, the receptionist kindly took my message; I told her Shall issue, not may issue. She responded: “One State, One Law, right?” She was pleasant about it, but I could tell that she’d gotten some calls from readers of this website. Keep up the pressure. As of this writing, 3 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, and 29 minutes to go. The clock is ticking. |
Yup, it’s working. Keep begging for permission slips!
Full rights – No Strings- For Everyone.
If a permission slip, poll taxes and arbitrary qualifications doesn’t constitute INFRINGEMENT then WHAT DOES?
Get a grip dude. Illannoy has been cut off from the rest of the country. Gotta walk before you run and no running with scissors.
It took almost ten years to get CCW in Missouri with a friendly (Republican) legislature. You have an out of control idiot in Mad dog Madigan who is arm twisting everyone but the Pope to keep the residents of your benighted state disarmed. You are demanding constitutional carry from morons who think they rule by divine right. Be happy for “Shall Issue” as opposed to “No Issue Ever” that moose lip Madigan desires. Support your folks working on this instead of venting your spleen to all and sundry.
That left a mark.
That won’t buff out.