Dan sent me a note today after his appearance last night at Guns Save Life’s Pontiac meeting…
Dear John,
I disagree with Governor Quinn’s veto of this legislation. As your governor, I would have signed this legislation into law. Illinois’ prohibition on the concealed carry of firearms has been a hotly debated issue for a long time. As a long time defender of Second Amendment rights, I have actively advocated for the implementation of a concealed carry law in Illinois. Rather than advancing my own personal agenda on the issue via veto as Governor Quinn did today, I would have chosen to prioritize enabling Illinois to join the rest of the nation in allowing eligible residents to carry concealed weapons. Statistics from across our nation demonstrate that this measure would help our state improve public safety in Illinois.
Thank you.
Dan Rutherford
Illinois State Treasurer
Candidate for Governor
220 W. Howard Street
Pontiac, IL 61764
Thanks Dan for stopping by. I certainly appreciate that. And I’ll support you in any way I can Thank you !!!!! –“”–
Let’s not elect anymore Chicago poltiticians. They’re all bad news!
Dan is the real deal, and has been on our side for a LONG time. He’s legit.