And the City of Chicago wonders why there are wilding attacks almost every weekend – like a couple of weeks ago at the fireworks display on the lakefront.
Down in Champaign County, we suffered a rash of “Polar Bear” attacks where black youths would pick on a random white person and try to play the “knockout game” followed by the “beat them senseless” game.
They even beat the hell out of a local semi-celeb: a former weatherman for the local Channel 3 station.

Former WCIA and WILL weatherman Mike Sola shows the injuries he received as the latest victim in a string of beatings in Champaign of white men by young black men that has been dubbed ‘polar bear hunting.’ Photo by: Robin Scholz/The News-Gazette
Here’s the story:
Former TV weatherman victim of unprovoked attack
CHAMPAIGN (News-Gazette) – But for his great sense of humor, Mike Sola might be curled up in the fetal position crying right now.
The 50-year-old former weatherman for WILL-TV and, before that, WCIA-TV, is among the latest in a growing list of white men in town being slugged for sport by young black men.
Police racked up a bunch of overtime, working undercover and generally working their tails off to investigate the attacks. The were able to identify a handful of the offenders.
Maybe one when to jail. The rest got probation.
Probation for savagely beating the hell out of another man, unprovoked.
Cook County just skipped the “go to court” aspect of this faulty way of dealing with senseless violence and just dropped charges without even having them plea bargain the charges down.
Second City Cop has the story:
All Wilding Charges Dropped
Anyone remember this story? We wrote about it back on 31 March:
- Right in the heart of the tourist area. Estimates of up to crowds of 400. The radio is squawking about State and Chicago, Huron, Ohio, Orleans. Wagons have been called in from at least 4 districts. The Mounted Unit has been clearing streets and breaking up crowds of “youths” for the past few hours.
Dozens of arrests. We wrote about it a day later:
- All the local media outlets had to cover it – there were too many witnesses downtown to brush it under the carpet the way they did the entire summer of 2011 and early part of 2012. The Channel 2 website had over 3,500 comments at last count. National headlines were made everywhere…
And the next day, aldercreature Reilly started raising hell about things:
- Alderman Brendan Reilly wants help to protect the marquee Chicago neighborhood he serves as a legislator from wild teens…
Over the three posts, three days, we had something like 800 comments. A whole boatload of interest in this one. We thought everyone would like to hear how the entire incident ended – here’s an e-mail we got this weekend:
- All 8 girls arrested in the March 30 wildings charged with battery and robbery had their cases dropped by the state this week.
- Eleven females were arrested—10 juveniles and one adult—and charged with battery. Two of the teens also were charged with strong-armed robbery.Not sure why state dropped case, lead asa in there is pretty good and the judge in there is usually pretty toughThis is case where all the girls met up from social media and they were from all over the city
Right-to-carry can’t come to Illinois soon enough.
Ok. So we have right to carry. —- so when this happens , and a. Person carrying gets attacked. And the bad guys or girls. Gets shot. And here we go. With a whole new bunch of trials like we just got done with with the Sanford fla deal. Question. I have is who is going to educate these kids and tell th if they want tondo
This type of thing. They’re gonna die. !!!!! –“”–
Chicago will be a no carry city in Illinois. Nothing in the CCW laws will change things in Chicago. Nothing. These young men are being taught by the likes of Rev. Jackson and Sharpton to be the worst people they can possibly be, because the government will protect them under civil rights. This is absolutely ludicrous behavior and is no way to govern! How the City of Chicago is not under Marshal Law from the lawlessness of the government and it’s citizenry by now continues to bewilder me to this day.
Chicago’s Mayor, Police Chief, & DA should all be impeached and jailed for failure to enforce laws and protect Chicago’s citizens.
unless the people start voting for competent people in the government we are all at the mercy of the lawless thugs.
Until the demoratic machine is jailed under the rico laws, you won’t get to vote for anybody nobody sent.