Representative Monique Davis, the Democrat Black Caucus member in the Illinois General Assembly, is a woman who pledged to vote for right to carry a couple of years in a row both publicly and privately, but when time came for a vote, actually spoke out against the bill before voting against it.
We’re just giving you some background on how we see this woman in terms of her honesty and integrity.
Now she brings her own brand of low-information demagoguery to Murder City, USA’s little homicide problem.
Her answer: in so many words, the Windy City cops are the killers of these little African-American children. Or so her constituents are telling her. (And she’s just repeating what they said.)
(CBS Chicago) – An Illinois state representative has publicly raised the possibility that Chicago police officers might be the ones responsible for the unsolved murders of black youths in Chicago.
WBBM Newsradio […] reports state Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago) was interviewed about Chicago crime Tuesday on WCHB-AM in Detroit.
“I’m going to tell you what some suspicions have been, and people have whispered to me: they’re not sure that black people are shooting all of these children,” Davis said.
“There’s some suspicion – and I don’t want to spread this, but I’m just going to tell you what I’ve been hearing – they suspect maybe the police are killing some of these kids.”
When WBBM asked Davis if she thinks it’s possible that police are killing children, she said, “I don’t know. I don’t know that they are, and I don’t know that they aren’t, since no one’s been arrested. We don’t know who’s doing it.”
How vile and despicable is this?
Ignoring Chicago’s plainly visible problem of inner-city black on black crime and instead suggesting the police are the ones responsible for the violence.
She doesn’t stop digging after the first day. After all, with evidence like that above, clearly the police are the killers, right? I mean, nobody can argue that they weren’t on the scene, right? Makes perfect sense… to low-information individuals.
She stands behind the comments when asked about them yesterday!
(ABC) – After expressing her own belief that Chicago police are doing their best to quell street violence, Davis says when she spoke on a Detroit radio station about Chicago’s high percentage of unsolved murders, she was only repeating what some people in her district believe about some of the killings.
“Some people in my community believe the police may be involved in some of these murders,” said Rep. Davis.
…After expressing her own belief that Chicago police are doing their best to quell street violence, Davis says when she spoke on a Detroit radio station about Chicago’s high percentage of unsolved murders, she was only repeating what some people in her district believe about some of the killings.
“Some people in my community believe the police may be involved in some of these murders,” said Rep. Davis.
“I think it’s absurd, I think it’s inflammatory. I think it’s also insulting,” said Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy.
Supt. McCarthy dismissed the Davis observations and said they were not worth repeating or more discussion, but South Side resident Allen Lee says he’s heard the rumors.
“I ain’t going to say it is, I am not going to say it ain’t, cause I’ve seen some cops do some wicked stuff, man,” said Lee.
Is Allen Lee is a productive member of society? We don’t know. But we don’t know anyone in our circle of friends who suggests police officers are killing black children.
As for State Representative Monique Davis: she has sunken down to the lowest, vilest place of political hackdom, making even George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich look like honorable statesmen. This woman is little more than human refuse.
Oh yeah, while we’re on the subject of rumors: Rumor has it Monique has carried a snub-nosed revolver in her purse for many years. But then again, she’s a member of the “privileged” class of low-information voters. All she knows is that one of her constituents isn’t going to rob or rape her in the middle of the night and leave her in the gutter somewhere.
It’s just that she doesn’t believe you should have that ability to protect yourself or your family.
Nice woman, eh?
You have background checks to own a gun. The VA dropping letters on veterans to not own a gun. Obamacare to be used as a tool for unlimited evil. I recommend a yearly background check (mental evaluation) for politicans for dangerous loaded minds of theirs.
I heard that maybe Rahm and Gary are at the bottom of this.
Believe me, they are ALL at the BOTTOM of this.
The bottom of the cesspool of life. Vile. Purley awful people. They disgust me and disgrace the offices to which they are elected.