The Boxing Cannabyte wrote at 5:33am on August 24th

[Edited only to remove the f-word.]

WHAT THE [bleep]?! How in the hell is this not blatant racial-targeting yourself? I’ve been going through this site. Let me say first that I’m a liberal gun owner (yeah, I get a LOT of unjustified shit for it, I’ve also been called a nigger and a fag by plenty of people on sites just like this, ALL of them right-wingers. On liberalgunowners forum I’ve never seen this type of race-war type of behavior or painting articles in a single light)

Why is it that every time I come here I see something about “Black man assaults white man” but I NEVER see anything about the white-on-black violence?

I NEVER see an article discussing the FACT that there are only, on average, 650 JUSTIFIED HOMICIDES A YEAR. Out of the MILLIONS of gun owners and the tens of thousands of deaths per year, only 650 actually “saved a life.”

Guns TAKE lives. They don’t save lives. They take life to (possibly) preserve another life. This site is being dishonest in it’s portrayal and I’d bet money that all the racist shit I see on here, when called out will get matched with personal attacks on me (diverting from the topic) personal anecdotes about how “Blacks are more violent” or “they haven’t been slaves for 150 years, it’s up to THEM (as if all blacks are tied together. That’s like saying all European whites are tied together. And do you have any idea how many gun-owning conservatives have told me Africa is a country?)-To stop the violence and it’s always this highly suggestive language-Like this article-That strongly or subtly implies that blacks are a problem and whites are not. That immigrants are a problem (as if all of us aren’t immigrants ourselves, unless you’re a pure-blooded Native American)

People acting like white privilage doesn’t exist, and completely ignoring the FACT that the states with the highest rate of gun ownership have the highest rate of gun suicides and accidental discharges resulting in death! I always hear about “Chicago is what happens when you let liberals impliment gun control” (misconstrued information, to say the least, and showing a further bias when we, as Americans, should be WORKING TOGETHER instead of being at each other’s throats when the REAL crooks laugh their way to the bank off of our blood, sweat and tears!)–Responsibility ISN’T bullet-proof.

The other strawman I hear is “if you’re a responsible gun owner you’ll never have an accidental or negligent discharge” Bullshit. PLenty of cops, military and professionals throughout the world have had ones. My dad is an Ex-SEAL, 1st generation, trained alongside the SAS to get our Special Operations units going in Vietnam. He spent 30 years training in large and small arms, and mainly small arms, knife-fighting and survival tactics and hand-to-hand combat and evolution of thought. He had an AD and he knows plenty of other people in the top-tier of our military who have had AD or ND

Yeah, I’m off topic a bit but my point is this type of article is race-baiting.

How do you expect a black reader (or do you expect to have black readers on here?) to react to this? I read the article and the article comments about the WW2 veteran who was killed and the amount of bigoted nasty comments were from conservatives and ONLY conservatives. Why is that?

I found an article about a black WW2 vet killed in a similar area 5-6 years back by some white bigoted pieces of garbage. The comments were filled with “Good-riddance, one less Obama supporter” etc. The one listed above in your article has “Remember, Obama says these guys are his sons! Did you not hear him say that they are his sons?!” (No, I didn’t and no one else who is, y’know, sane, heard that, either)

Gun registration has gone on for quite some time. No liberal I know wants to take my gun, many go shooting with me. No liberal-libertarian or socialist-libertarian-democratic wants to take your guns away. And need I remind you that ALL guns, legal or otherwise were manufactured legally? Owned legally or put SOMEWHERE legally before being obtained illegally?

There is nuance to be had here. I know it scares a lot of people, but it’s true. Again, I am a gun owner, I got my compact 9mm right next to me. I’ve sold most of my guns (I’m 27 and HAVE had to use my Hi-Point C9, of all things, to save my life by taking another life. No, I won’t give you my name, so you can call me a liar or you can believe me. This happened years ago and I’m done with that particular shit-storm)….I had a Kimber TLE 2 1911 .45, a Glock 19, a Springfield XDm .40, a Beretta 92FS and a Tuarus PT-92, the G19 and B92 (modded by yours truly, lightened trigger pull, 20-round flush mags, Hogue grips, Wolffe recoil springs, tactical quick-draw leg holster and belt, the works! Loved it! Best shooter I had, above the Kimber, which I had two of, got one sent back fresh from Kimber and it still failed more than My Hi-Point! So make fun of me all you want for that but it saved my life.

My dad is a 3-tour combat veteran and served with many great black soldiers and officers. He knows what it’s like to kill, so do I. MOST of you do not. That’s a statistical fact. If I can remain this objective and keep my mind open, why can’t you?


From my perspective, a rebuttal:

WHAT THE [bleep]?! How in the hell is this not blatant racial-targeting yourself? I’ve been going through this site. Let me say first that I’m a liberal gun owner (yeah, I get a LOT of unjustified shit for it, I’ve also been called a nigger and a fag by plenty of people on sites just like this, ALL of them right-wingers. On liberalgunowners forum I’ve never seen this type of race-war type of behavior or painting articles in a single light)

I have a lot of friends who are “right wingers” and I have heard precious little name calling as you describe.  In fact, it’s ironic that they seem a great deal more tolerant of diversity, in general, than the left side of the political spectrum where you reside.

Why is it that every time I come here I see something about “Black man assaults white man” but I NEVER see anything about the white-on-black violence?

Because compared to black on white crime, it’s darn rare, that’s why.  It happened eight times as often, in fact.

From the article cited above:  “An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures’ from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.”

Given the fact that blacks make up not even 13% of the population and whites make up 72% of the population, it means blacks attack whites at a rate 40 times that of whites attacking blacks.

I NEVER see an article discussing the FACT that there are only, on average, 650 JUSTIFIED HOMICIDES A YEAR. Out of the MILLIONS of gun owners and the tens of thousands of deaths per year, only 650 actually “saved a life.”

There are probably close to a hundred million gun owners in America.  You only count the times a bad guy is killed as an incident of “saving a life”, completely ignoring the two million times each year guns thwart violent attack.  Obviously a great majority of those don’t involved dead bad guys or even the cops being called.

Guns TAKE lives. They don’t save lives. They take life to (possibly) preserve another life. This site is being dishonest in it’s portrayal and I’d bet money that all the racist shit I see on here, when called out will get matched with personal attacks on me (diverting from the topic) personal anecdotes about how “Blacks are more violent” or “they haven’t been slaves for 150 years, it’s up to THEM (as if all blacks are tied together. That’s like saying all European whites are tied together. And do you have any idea how many gun-owning conservatives have told me Africa is a country?)-To stop the violence and it’s always this highly suggestive language-Like this article-That strongly or subtly implies that blacks are a problem and whites are not. That immigrants are a problem (as if all of us aren’t immigrants ourselves, unless you’re a pure-blooded Native American)

I’m beginning to doubt your claimed bonafides as a gun owner if you claim that guns don’t save life on a massive scale, thwarting crime and protecting families and children.

Gang-banging ghetto denizens in particular are *a* BIG problem – a massive problem and a huge source of violent crime in our nation.

Ignoring it because you’re afraid of the race hustlers like yourself will solve nothing.

People acting like white privilage doesn’t exist, and completely ignoring the FACT that the states with the highest rate of gun ownership have the highest rate of gun suicides and accidental discharges resulting in death! I always hear about “Chicago is what happens when you let liberals impliment gun control” (misconstrued information, to say the least, and showing a further bias when we, as Americans, should be WORKING TOGETHER instead of being at each other’s throats when the REAL crooks laugh their way to the bank off of our blood, sweat and tears!)–Responsibility ISN’T bullet-proof.

White privilege?  C’mon.

It’s not white privilege because I grew up, was educated, speak English and don’t wear my pants around my thighs.  That’s a privilege that’s available to anyone and everyone in America today.

The other strawman I hear is “if you’re a responsible gun owner you’ll never have an accidental or negligent discharge” Bullshit. PLenty of cops, military and professionals throughout the world have had ones. My dad is an Ex-SEAL, 1st generation, trained alongside the SAS to get our Special Operations units going in Vietnam. He spent 30 years training in large and small arms, and mainly small arms, knife-fighting and survival tactics and hand-to-hand combat and evolution of thought. He had an AD and he knows plenty of other people in the top-tier of our military who have had AD or ND

You’re off-roading sir.  Accidental firearms injuries and deaths are at near historical lows thanks to educational programs from the NRA and the hard work of thousands of NRA instructors like myself.

Yeah, I’m off topic a bit but my point is this type of article is race-baiting.

We agree on the first point.  We’re discussing a *real* problem on the second point.  We will never fix this problem in the black community as long as young blacks, especially males, embrace the “hip hop” lifestyle (or some call it the thug lifestyle).  And calling it “race-baiting” to discuss it is doing nobody any favors – except perhaps to those who wish to keep blacks on the poverty plantation.

How do you expect a black reader (or do you expect to have black readers on here?) to react to this? I read the article and the article comments about the WW2 veteran who was killed and the amount of bigoted nasty comments were from conservatives and ONLY conservatives. Why is that?

If we drive away blacks who are unable or unwilling to have an honest discussion about some of the problems in their community, then so be it.  We’re not a hip-hop lifestyle website.  We’re a civil rights website that advocates for good people in society to empower themselves from violent thugs and predators in our midst.

I found an article about a black WW2 vet killed in a similar area 5-6 years back by some white bigoted pieces of garbage. The comments were filled with “Good-riddance, one less Obama supporter” etc. The one listed above in your article has “Remember, Obama says these guys are his sons! Did you not hear him say that they are his sons?!” (No, I didn’t and no one else who is, y’know, sane, heard that, either)

And if we were around in our current format, we would have castigated those thugs and punks with equal ferocity.  I’m doubting your assertions that comments were filled with “one less Obama supporter” as Obama hasn’t been in office six years yet.

Gun registration has gone on for quite some time. No liberal I know wants to take my gun, many go shooting with me. No liberal-libertarian or socialist-libertarian-democratic wants to take your guns away. And need I remind you that ALL guns, legal or otherwise were manufactured legally? Owned legally or put SOMEWHERE legally before being obtained illegally?

You’re a troll.  No doubt about it.  I’m not a liberal and I know plenty trying to take your guns and mine both.

My dad is a 3-tour combat veteran and served with many great black soldiers and officers. He knows what it’s like to kill, so do I. MOST of you do not. That’s a statistical fact. If I can remain this objective and keep my mind open, why can’t you?

You, objective?

Yeah.  You must think we’re a bunch of ignorant rednecks.

You would be wrong on all counts.

In my opinion, we hit a little too close to home for you and it made you squirm.  We’re going to continue to shine the light of truth on topics as we see fit to expose anti-gun biases such as your own.




5 thoughts on “We got ourselves trolled: Left-wing liberal thinks we’re ignorant rednecks”
  1. Touting that one is a liberal gun owner is rather like a broken clock bragging that it’s right twice a day.

    1. Very nice observation in this case.

      While I know a number of liberal gun owners are regulars at our monthly meetings, none of them would deny guns’ lifesaving role in the hands of good people, and how often they are used to thwart criminal attacks. None of them claim that some liberals aren’t out to take our gun rights. And not a one of them talk like this guy in terms of racial slurs and senseless profanity.

      The liberals who attend our GSL meetings are also more articulate than this guy as well.


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