Scene of a homicide in Decatur, IL where a man was killed by one of Governor Quinn’s early prison release convicts.
We’ve got a governor who has ordered prisoners released early from prison – even those with a history of violence and weapons offenses – while at the same time our governor vetoes a right-to-carry bill overwhelmingly approved by a bipartisan supermajority.
Quinn’s scheme to turn out prisoners months or years early on their sentence claimed another life in recent days. One of Quinn’s early release choir boys shot and killed a man in Decatur.
Governor Quinn no doubt considers the program a success or he wouldn’t have re-implemented it after a previous program was shut down after the public’s outcry over some prisoners serving only days of their sentence before being turned out early.
Can you spell “out of touch”?
Can you spell “clueless”?
We knew you could.
Decatur, IL (Herald and Review) — Olivia Matthews, girlfriend of 22-year-old Marvin E. Perry, was in a state of shock Friday afternoon as she sat on the porch of her near-northside home, just a few feet from where she last saw the father of her 17-month-old daughter.
Perry was gunned down about 9:30 p.m. Thursday as he stood near the front yard of an apartment building next door to Matthews’ house in the 1200 block of North Union Street. There reportedly were many people around, some arguing, when the gun went off.
Perry stumbled toward the house and dropped to the ground in the driveway of her home, Matthews said.
“I had my hand on his chest,” Matthews said, as tears rolled down her cheeks. “He was breathing. I said, ‘Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me.’ ”
So, why was Jones in the pokey to begin with?
A few hours later, parolee Joshua A. Jones, 25, was arrested on a warrant by Decatur police officers and U.S. marshals.
Mr. Jones, from his IDOC snapshot.
Jones was released from prison May 3 after serving 19 months of a four-year sentence for dealing cocaine and heroin as part of a plea deal in which firearms charges were dropped.
In that 2011 case, he ran from police while carrying a handgun and refused to obey commands to drop his weapon.
Jones has had three felony cases, including two involving firearms, in the past eight years.
He received his four-year sentence on Dec. 10, 2012, after pleading guilty to charges of dealing cocaine and heroin. In that case, he was arrested after police received a report of a man with a handgun near the intersection of Main and Hilton streets on Oct. 3, 2011. When officers arrived, Jones reportedly ran from them while holding a semiautomatic handgun. When he was booked into the jail, a bag was recovered from his rear end containing 18 crack cocaine rocks and 25 heroin rocks.
Felony charges of armed violence were dropped as part of a plea deal. With credit for time served awaiting trial and day-for-day prison credit for good behavior, Jones was released May 3.
In 2009, Jones was charged with felony aggravated unlawful use of a weapon for carrying a handgun in a vehicle. As part of a plea agreement, he received 18 months conditional discharge, a lighter form of probation, and his charge was reduced to a misdemeanor.
10 thoughts on “IL Govenor Quinn’s early prison release program claims another life…”
Can you spell ” I could care less about the average Illinois resident, and their safety, unless I can make some money out of it somehow.”
“The gun went off”? No, the trigger was pulled – an overt act. Guns are not magical. They don’t decide on their own to just “go off”.
What party doe’s quinn belong to?
Private party Quinn’s private party. You can see that anything Quinn does is not. To help any Illinois. Resident Out. It’s to make Quinn look better. The same reasongeorge Ryan. Let out a bunch. Of prisoners. Early. That. Crook did SOME Time for his criminal acts. But Quinn is still in the process of his criminal acts. Like a bunch of babies. When are you people gonna. Wake up and do what the people that elected you want you should be be on top of the state police getting this concealed carry in order. Instead you are doing nothing about them delaying their duties. You should be ashamed of yourself. You no good do nothing governor.
Jackiev–really, if you are going to post on sites, you need to get some serious grammar education. Your writing is barely understandable.
Jackie……I understand what you’re trying to say, but honestly you really need to get an education into proper grammar and punctuation before embarrassing yourself with a post like this.
Seriously, after this news and your frustrated over grammar. I understood exactly what she was saying.
I don’t really care about PROP\er. PuNcuiation. OR my rammer so as together mY thAoughts out ill let you worrie. About Improper ties Un. Stuff like. At.
Sorry but this phone does things I don’t ask it to do so if something is not quite right please forgive me I am. 80. And sometime things cont come out as they should. On July 13 I had an accident. With my race car at Grundy co. Speedway and suffered a concussion so maybe that has had an effect on my comments here too. I don’t know what tweet is or Facebook I can only comment on GSL Want m to shut up ? I will. –“”–
Jackie, way to set the record straight. Freedom of speech is just that, in whatever context you can and you do not need to make excuses. You go girl ! (If you are who you say you are…the story is a good one 🙂
Can you spell ” I could care less about the average Illinois resident, and their safety, unless I can make some money out of it somehow.”
“The gun went off”? No, the trigger was pulled – an overt act. Guns are not magical. They don’t decide on their own to just “go off”.
What party doe’s quinn belong to?
Private party Quinn’s private party. You can see that anything Quinn does is not. To help any Illinois. Resident Out. It’s to make Quinn look better. The same reasongeorge Ryan. Let out a bunch. Of prisoners. Early. That. Crook did SOME Time for his criminal acts. But Quinn is still in the process of his criminal acts. Like a bunch of babies. When are you people gonna. Wake up and do what the people that elected you want you should be be on top of the state police getting this concealed carry in order. Instead you are doing nothing about them delaying their duties. You should be ashamed of yourself. You no good do nothing governor.
Jackiev–really, if you are going to post on sites, you need to get some serious grammar education. Your writing is barely understandable.
Jackie……I understand what you’re trying to say, but honestly you really need to get an education into proper grammar and punctuation before embarrassing yourself with a post like this.
Seriously, after this news and your frustrated over grammar. I understood exactly what she was saying.
I don’t really care about PROP\er. PuNcuiation. OR my rammer so as together mY thAoughts out ill let you worrie. About Improper ties Un. Stuff like. At.
Sorry but this phone does things I don’t ask it to do so if something is not quite right please forgive me I am. 80. And sometime things cont come out as they should. On July 13 I had an accident. With my race car at Grundy co. Speedway and suffered a concussion so maybe that has had an effect on my comments here too. I don’t know what tweet is or Facebook I can only comment on GSL Want m to shut up ? I will. –“”–
Jackie, way to set the record straight. Freedom of speech is just that, in whatever context you can and you do not need to make excuses. You go girl ! (If you are who you say you are…the story is a good one 🙂