Barack Hussein Obama, the would-be commander in chief of al-qaeda’s air force, went full bore today touting his new self-described initiative to further limit Americans’ access to guns to protect their families.

Frankly, it’s hard to write this in a family-friendly manner – and without adult language.

Barry’s actions today basically:

1.Ā  Banned the re-importation of American made guns from sixty-plus years ago, specifically the M1 Garand and M1 Carbines, guns last used by America’s armed forces in the Korean War.Ā  (Ask a low-information voter when that was and we’re pretty sure you’ll get a blank stare and a “huh?”.)

2.Ā  He’s also requiring all named parties in corporate trusts holding Class III guns (short barreled rifles & shotguns, fully automatic guns, and so forth) to each submit to a background check.Ā  We’re confident that’s going to lead to tens of millions of prohibited individuals being “discovered” as (il)legal gun owners.

Generally speaking, only collectors and a tiny subset of individuals who own class III guns will be affected by today’s action.Ā  That doesn’t make it okay, but it’s not going to result in any reductions in crime from Obama’s would-be sons in Chicago.

We’ve yet to hear of a single drive-by shooting committed with an M1 Garand.

But Barry banned their reimportation anyway.

We can’t get a new president soon enough.


11 thoughts on “Obama’s executive orders: Significantly insignificant.”
  1. I guess this will put the final brakes on re-importation of the nearly 3/4 million (yes – 750,000) M1 Garands and M1 Carbines that the South Koreans have been trying to sell back to us since nearly the time Obama has been President. Disgusting!

  2. Do all these M1 Garands and Carbines sitting in Korea belong to Korea or are they still U.S. property and were loaned to Korea?

    Again this President only punishes the law abiding citizen since none of this affects the criminal element.

    1. From 1/23/12

      In an effort to raise money for its military, South Korea wants to sell nearly one million M1 rifles used by South Korean and U.S. soldiers during the Korean War (1950-53) back to the U.S.

      In 2009 the Obama Administration agreed to let the Koreans export the M1s, then in March of 2010 the Administration reversed coursed and banned the sale of the M1s.

      To explain the flip-flop, a State Department spokesman said the administrationā€™s decision was based on concerns that the guns could fall into the wrong hands.

  3. What a looser šŸ™
    I’ll have new bumper stickers at the next meeting for this looser.

  4. Pro: The value of our Garands just went up.
    Con: They will be sold/given and used against our soldiers in 3rd world skirmishes.

  5. I was at camp perry wed. And all the girands. We’re picked over from the big shoot they has said new bunch in about 3. or 4. Months. Cheapest worse wane they had were $900 a little better. For $1200. Then. $1500. —$2500. One guy took one for $3000 and it was no beauty absolutely. NO carbines but they had some new carbine barrels. No girand barrels . ..””–

  6. Just a guick glance at Gunbroker, there are 260 Mosin-Nagants, 355 SKS, 80 Arisaka,621 A-K’s. M-1’s? There are 18 of them. Does it make any sense at all for Barry to pull this crap?

  7. It wasn’t clear to me whether the Koreans were trying to sell the rifles to a civilian importer or to CMP, but in any case, I’m not aware of any criminals wanting to use a seventy year old Garand or M-1 Carbine to stick up a local liquor store or even a bank…there are more modern, more reliable, and more concealable weapons available on the black market…
    There’s no excuse for not importing them particularly if they were going to the CMP, which is authorized by law to promote civilian marksmanship using surplus military rifles. They are historical relics that happen to be guns….and the majority of them are probably very well used. I have one of each…the .30 carbine is a fun gun to shoot…the Garand is generally too heavy, large, and unwieldy for anyone to seriously contemplate using for a stick-up when you can get all kinds of 30-06 hunting rifles that are lighter and in some cases smaller.
    Again, the purpose is not to prevent criminals from getting them, but to further infringe the rights of the law-abiding people to keep and bear arms. The Koreans aren’t going to sell them to anyone else…the only significantly large population of gun collectors is in the US.

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