PHOTO: Brandon Combs, managing director of the Firearms Policy Coalition, left, and Craig DeLuz, legislative advocate for California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees, deliver about 65,000 petitions urging the governor’s veto of 14 gun bills. Credit: The Sacramento Bee/Christopher Cadelago.


We don’t see it making much of a difference, but our friends at the Firearms Policy Coalition delivered 65,000 petitions urging California Governor Jerry Brown to veto 14 virulently anti-gun bills.  From the story…

FPC’s Brandon Combs said that that the fight is far from over and noted that people should keep calling and writing the Governor’s office every day. “We encourage all gun owners and Second Amendment supporters to send Governor Brown a letter through our fast, easy, and free gun rights activism tools at”

“We will keep printing, faxing, and emailing letters to Governor Brown until the very end,” continued Combs. “Gun owners simply must keep up the pressure for these final few days.”

Governor Brown has until October 14, 2013 to sign or veto the bills. Bills that are not vetoed will become state law. Governor Brown’s State Capitol office phone number is (916) 445-2841.


2 thoughts on “Special Delivery for the Governor: FPC delivers petitions to Moonbeam Jerry”
  1. We have enough gun laws. They just need to be enforced. Please veto the current proposed laws.

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