Colorado Democrats have been watching as gun rights supporters have aggressively been collecting signatures for a recall of the virulently anti-gun Democratic Senator Evie Hudak. At risk: The Democrat control of the Colorado State Senate.
If the recall petitioners were successful, and Hudak lost the recall race, Republicans would have gained control of the State Senate, something anti-gun Colorado Democrats desperately sought to avoid.
It became clear in recent days that the petition signatures were easily going to surpass the 18,900 needed to force the special election. To avoid that outcome, Hudak fell on her sword to allow Colorado’s Governor to appoint a successor and stop the recall process.
Hudak aroused the ire of gun owners nationwide with her ignorant, bigoted comments to rape victims during a hearing.
DENVER (Colorado Observer) – Despite hearing life-and-death stories of rape victims who begged legislators not to take away their right to carry concealed weapons on college campuses, a Democrat controlled Senate panel did just that late Monday night.
Those who carry concealed weapons “increase the severity of a crime, increase the likelihood of death,” declared state Sen. Evie Hudak (D-Westminster).
“For women especially, it’s more likely to be used against them and taken away from them,” asserted Hudak. “They are more easily overpowered… and I don’t want people to have a false sense of safety and security.”
She also ticked off a lot of voters with her antics on other areas, including surfing Facebook during legislative hearings.
DENVER (CBS4) – During 2 days-worth of critical legislative hearings into Colorado’s Corrections Department and Parole Division, one state senator at the hearings was regularly tweeting, surfing the Web and updating her Facebook page with information that had nothing to do with the hearings.
“I was very aware of what was going on,” insisted State Sen. Evie Hudak during an interview with CBS4.
“By resigning I am protecting these important new laws for the good of Colorado and ensuring that we can continue looking forward,” Hudak wrote in her resignation letter in regard to her gun votes, which led to the recall effort.
Good riddance, honey.
Wonder what new “job” appointment she will receive as a reward?
If she ends up in a cushy appointed taxpayer funded position – recall the GOVERNOR!
They need to recall the governor anyway. He signed the gun control laws that she helped pass so he is just as guilty.
Evie Hudak is the true face of all those stories you hear about easterners or Californians moving to somewhere and burrowing like a parasite until they have a chance of winning elections.
She is from NYC ,the people in CO need to tell her to go back and take her “city values” with her.
Since Chickencooper is up for re election next year, it would be worthless to recall him. It would be much better to spend time getting a good candidate to run against his worthless azz.
Chickencooper? More like Schicklgruber, after all he was a big fan of gun control too!
She should be a rape help telephone operator for some of CO.’s campus(s). Enough time, reality might oozz in.
The face of birth control for Obamacare.
Great news !!!, let Gov. Gungrabber appoint someone new, recall him and every gun grabber in the state.