Guns Save Life’s member David Martin is a remarkable man.
He’s not only nice to a fault, he gives of himself rather freely. And while Mr. Martin is far from “fortunate” with his disability, he’s there for those less fortunate than he, raising thousands of dollars to help disabled veterans.
The local ABC television station profiled him recently and they announced they were awarding him a check for $500 in recognition for his work.
It’s people like David Martin who are members of Guns Save Life.
Here’s a link to the story since there’s no embedding code available.
Congrats Dave!
Congrats Dave! I’m proud to have you for a friend.
Ditto here. Wendy and I both enjoy his company and friendship.
Congrats Dave! You definitely deserve this!!!
His folks would be SO very proud of their son!!!!! What a fabulous way to honor their lives, their memories and our heroes!!!!
Hats off to you, Dave! Keep up the great work!!!!
Congratulations Dave! Much deserved. You do so much for SO many!! I’m honored to know you and even prouder to call you my friend!!
Thank you all, I am humbled by the attention. I love you all and much appreciate your kind words. I’ll keep up the work I have started as long as I can, out of love and respect for those able and willing to serve our great country. May God bless them and watch over them and their families especially through the Holy Days (holiays) when seperation from loved ones is the toughest.
May God bless you all too, Merry Christmas, and best wishes for a prosperous 2014.
Dave M.
Congrats Dave! Well deserved 🙂
Congratulations Dave! I’m so proud to call you my friend. You deserve this award and so much more for all you do.
I get the pleasure of talking to Dave once a year when he brings his poker run to our VFW Post. I’m proud to call him a friend. It takes a very special person to do what he does for our veterans and their families. He is the Elite of the elites, and I feel so honored to shake his hand once a year.
Congrats Dave Martin, Your family and friends are so proud of you!