Illinois State Police proposed CCW rulemaking, second draft
The ISP are at it again, refining their proposed rule making. There are a number of things we find objectionable in it and we'll be formulating a reply in the coming days to submit as part of public comment. You can read it for yourself. Here.
Some candid comments from former Cease Fire head Tio Hardiman
[caption id="attachment_10120" align="alignnone" width="600"] Tio Hardiman and his wife Alison.[/caption] Tio Hardiman wrote some candid comments that caught us off guard. Yeah, this is the Tio arrested for beating the stuffin' out of Mrs. Hardiman. The same guy who has a prior domestic battery conviction for beating an earlier wife,…
FoxNews covers story of New York mailing gun confiscation letters
FoxNews is getting around to covering a story we brought to you last week. The Truth About Guns also covered it (and was the lead that steered us to report on it). Yes, Virginia, New York City is mailing gun confiscation letters to those who have registered long guns…
A remarkable man: GSL’s David Martin wins “Pay it foward” award
Guns Save Life's member David Martin is a remarkable man. He's not only nice to a fault, he gives of himself rather freely. And while Mr. Martin is far from "fortunate" with his disability, he's there for those less fortunate than he, raising thousands of dollars to help disabled…
Bet you didn’t read this in the NY times: Gun ownership soars since ’94, while murders plummet
Capitalization (or lack thereof) of the NY times name intentional. You probably didn't read this in the mainstream media today... Congressional Study: Murder Rate Plummets as Gun Ownership Soars (Breitbart) - A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report shows that while gun ownership climbed from 192 million firearms…
Homeowner to intruder: “Don’t you dare bleed all over my (expletive) couch!”
We love happy endings. And this was a very, very happy ending for everyone involved, including the intruder who was shot twice. (How's that a happy ending for him? He lived.) This article is a well-done story of one family's proper planning paying off when a persistent intruder repeatedly kept…
Illinois Concealed Carry update – Dec 4th
Yesterday, the Illinois House and Senate passed a "trailer" bill which cleaned up some language and made some very minor changes to the new Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act which passed into law last summer. The bill goes to Governor Pat Quinn for final approval. It spells out mostly…
Impossible: Man shot outside “no guns” Whole Foods in Texas!
If there's one place in Texas, the land of lots of folks with carry permits, that someone criminally-inclined knows that the general population won't be armed, it's "no gun zones". In Texas, like the new law in Illinois, a sign announcing "no guns" carries the force of law. Francisco Alcarez,…
Noir on NFL rejecting the Daniel Defense advertisement
We toyed with reporting last week on the NFL - known by some as the National Felon League - rejecting a wholesome as apple pie television commercial for Daniel Defense AR-15s. We were scratching our heads, as the ad would cost four to six million to air, minimum and we…