We didn’t venture out much today with the freezing rain and general nastiness out in the world, but we did see where High Caliber Training Center and Indoor Range on North Cunningham Ave. north of Urbana finally staged a partial opening to the public.
Partial opening in terms of the range only.
We say finally because there have been countless setbacks, as we’ve been told. The latest: waterlines that froze and broke back in January (probably when we had that first Polar Vortex or whatever they called it).
In any event, congratulations to Tim Murray and the rest of the investors who made this indoor range in Champaign-Urbana possible and a reality. It’s long overdue!
From their Facebook post:
Modified opening hours till further notice are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday: 10am – 6pm Wednesday & Sunday: Noon – 6pm.
Congratulations! I know a lot of work and red tape went into getting this range opened, hope the rest of the facility is up soon too! Only a mile away from my driveway, hope to try it out or at least visit it soon.
Sadly, this range is a whole lot more than a mile from my driveway!
I wish them luck anyway. We need more of these ranges in IL.