by John Boch
Perusing IllinoisCarry this morning and saw a post that gave me pause.
ajg2014 Posted 07 February 2014 – 08:03 PM
A week after taking his IL and FL CCW class, I had a situation that I never expected to have. At 7:30 in the morning someone started knocking at my door. The knocks turned into bangs and my wife and children were all scared. I decided that I needed to to do something. I grabbed my gun and loaded a magazine, chambered a round and holstered it. I then went outside to confront this guy. A few weeks ago, I would have been nervous and unsure of myself. I now had a clear understanding of what I needed to do and what I might have to do if things got ugly. I walked outside and drew my weapon and was ready. It’s amazing how things change quickly when you’re looking down the barrel of a gun. The situation ended and he got in his car and left. I was calm, cool and collected the entire time. I knew my rights and I had faith in what I was taught and how I was taught. I owe that to Tom and his knowledge and teaching abilities. I highly recommend his classes and I plan on taking more myself. I’m sorry this is so long. I try not to ramble, but this time, a long story was necessary. If you plan on taking any classes in order to further your knowledge of firearms or are a beginner, trying to understand your rights and learn the basics, Firearm Training Chicago is your best choice and Tom is a fantastic instructor. Check him out at You won’t be disappointed.
(Emphasis added.)
Holy Cow!
Firearm Training Chicago.
Looking at their website, here is their final 8-hour course description:
We ARE approved Carry Concealed Instructors with the Illinois State Police.
Illinois Carry Concealed Training Class to obtain your Carry Concealed Permit in Illinois. This 8 hour Training classes will include…
*Â All applicable State and Federal laws relating to the ownership, storage, carry, and transportation of a firearm.
*Â Weapon Handling, including dry fire and live fire.
*Â Live fire qualification with a concealable firearm consisting of minimum of 30 rounds at varied distances.
*Â Approximately 7 hours class room and 1 hour range time.
Now, I don’t know what Firearm Training Chicago is teaching their students, so I will not criticize them.
I do know the narrative provided by some fellow raving about their class at
Apparently he wasn’t paying attention to instructor Tom’s legal lectures at Firearm Training Chicago, or more likely, the Power Point slides. In any event, just as all training courses aren’t equal, neither are students.
Let’s tackle the narrative, shall we?
So, this guy AJG2014 has someone banging on his door so he gets his gun and loads it and holsters it. Fair enough. Seems reasonable and prudent.
Instead of calling 9-1-1 and asking the authorities to confront this individual banging on the door, this AJG2014 fellow leaves the safety of his house – and the whatever meaningful measure of last-ditch security he thereby provided to his wife and kids – and goes outside to confront an unknown quantity on the front porch.
In his own words:Â “I now had a clear understanding of what I needed to do and what I might have to do if things got ugly.”
Okay, Wyatt Earp. AJG2014 is clearly brimming with confidence from a class where he fired a total of 30 rounds of ammunition, taught by a gunsmith that decided to start teaching concealed carry classes last year. I’m not so sure his confidence is well-placed, given what he claims to have been taught.
AJG2014 goes on to write that once he got outside to confront the unknown person, he drew his pistol and pointed it at the man.
At this point, I think most police officers and prosecutors would consider this aggravated unlawful use of weapons (aggravated because the gun was loaded), absent exigent circumstances that Mr. “I had a clear understanding” doesn’t seem to have one little bit. Are you reading this, Mr. AJG2014? I hope so.
I’m not sure Johnny Cochran could get an acquittal on this one (if he were still alive, that is).
Fortunately for our hero, the door knocker got in his car and left.
For that, Mr. AJG2014 should thank his lucky stars.
“I knew my rights and I had faith in what I was taught and how I was taught.”
AJG2014, you might consider taking additional training before you hurt yourself, your wife and kids or someone hard of hearing who didn’t think anyone heard the knock on the door after trying the doorbell without any luck.
Yeah, it’s gonna cost you a few bucks, but I guarantee it’ll be less than the retainer you’re going to pay after the next time you decide you need to do something and wind up arrested and seriously jacked up.
Folks, if you didn’t learn how and why to avoid putting yourself in a deadly force encounter in your concealed carry class, seek more training.
Nothing good follows a deadly force encounter, aside from you probably living another day. Confronting people who don’t need confronting – especially with your gun out – is a recipe that’s going to go sideways on you more often than not.
Don’t be AJG2014 after your CCW training. Please. I beg you.
Your responding 20 minutes later Police is in the crime data collection business so, don’t rush it. Wait for the crime to come to you.
Why “in the home” was grasped by the anti gun rights crowd.
They have plenty of partners over on the “pro gun” side. Sheesh
Here’s truth- there aren’t enough facts here to make any claim of right or wrong, but as always, the holier than though jump the gun,or the shark, right off the bat.
Why go outside? Well some actually defend all their property, which does extend beyond the front door and they have a right to do so. Why draw and point? We don’t have that information. What would cops do? Trespass? Remedy? Perp leaves. He already left!
True it is students and trainers differ. Had this fella cowered I fear waiting for police, he might have had a perp break through his door. Could had his house set ablaze. Coulda pulled a Biden too shooting through the door.
Facts as presented, this fella didn’t do anything wrong beyond PERSONAL OPPONION.
That the conflict was resolved successfully with no one hurt is a GOOD thing that bears this- an individual successfully defended himself and his family with a firearm. And the “pro gun” self anointed king wants to judge, going so far as to claim it was a bad thing.
Maybe I see this differently because I’ve been in that situation before (cept guns were being fired). Training and actually experiencing it having to decide for real. Has the author ever actually been in that position specifically? And if so, please do describe it for the readers.
I’m just taking it as he wrote it. My advice to you: seek a good class. You can defend your property, but you can also go to jail for threatening the use of deadly force without exigent circumstances.
If someone is knocking on your door and you open the door pointing a weapon at Joe Postal Carrier, I guarantee the authorities will find you housing in a supervised setting.
As a long-time reader of GunNews, my understanding is that author hasn’t been in this exact same situation (i.e. venturing out to take care of it himself, when calling authorities was an option.) He was, however, recently in a ‘situation’ at a gas station down south – but handled it in a textbook fashion.
Also was in a situation way back with violent ex-boyfriend of his then-girlfriend, and again, by-the-book armed himself and assumed defensive posture inside the place. Didn’t go venturing out.
Those are just the events he published for us all to read, but it’s safe to say he’s not a ‘Net Ninja who doesn’t have any real world experience with that which he teaches.
As far as your comments, I would agree that we don’t have all the details! What I take away from John’s comments is that you’re better off (tactically, and legally) waiting for responding officers than going out and potentially putting yourself in a worse situation. Now if trouble finds you (and in your case, you mention guns blazing) – then by all means it’s time to defend yourself. However, taking a defensive, rather than offensive, posture and being able to articulate the same puts you in the best possible situation regarding the legal aftermath.
I’m glad you survived your incident w/ guns being fired, and I don’t envy the experience. I certainly appreciate the perspective that it must give you.
John, you’re a paradox!
I read the opening blurb and expected to read your comments praising this nutjob, what a great thing it was, etc.
Imagine my surprise to find you on the right side of common sense and reason this time!
Now, how about a comment on the Texan whom the grand jury refused to indict for his killing of a cop who broke in unannounced in a “no knock” search warrant situation?
Kinda the opposite of the guy with the knife that john law shot and killed in his own home, eh?
A good shooting? Or a GREAT shooting?
Thanks, I think.
The Texas cop shot during the raid: I agree with the grand jury. There was no criminal intent. While it wasn’t a good shoot, it wasn’t a bad shoot either.
We need less police “dynamic” raids by militarized law enforcement officers (particularly for things like some pot plants or stolen credit cards) and more peace officers from back in the 50s.
I’ve been through a number of John’s courses. He always teaches that you don’t go looking for trouble. The Nike defense is best. Using deadly force should only be used when your life is threatened and there is no other option.
This guy left the safety of his house, sought out trouble and pulled a gun. This is absolutely contrary to what John advocates.
I don’t understand your point, Ken.
I agree 100% with John, this is not the way to handle this encounter. Not only the incorrect way but backwards to what should have been done. As a gun owner we need make pulling a gun the very last step after talking thru the door to this person, after calling 911, after sending our family to a safe room we have practiced and discussed prior. My advice my friend grow up, put your gun up in a safe place until you understand the responsibility that go with using it.
Not only is Mr. Boch spot on, but Frank Wright, GSL’s lawyer-instructor, cautioned us in our class about not acting like we’re a police officer just because we have a gun.
Whoever this guy is at Illinois carry (and he can’t be too old if he’s got young kids at home), he’s not very smart.
Hopefully he’ll educate himself before he does something his whole family will regret.
Not that my opinion counts but john is right in his assessment. You don’t go searching for the bad guy no matter what metallica says 🙂
(Seek&destroy is a song for all you barry manalow enthusiasts that didn’t get the reference)