Brittney Cooper wrote in Salon:
Michael Dunn and open season on black teenagers: The onslaught of white murder
How much more are black people in this country supposed to take?
On Saturday, a Florida jury failed to convict Michael Dunn for the callous murder of Jordan Davis. Though he was convicted of three counts of attempted murder and also on a gun charge, a mistrial was declared for the first-degree murder charge. He will face substantial jail time – perhaps up to 75 years on the four charges for which he was found guilty.
Prosecutor Angela Corey has also publicly declared her intent to seek retrial on the murder conviction. However, she is the same prosecutor who oversaw the Zimmerman murder trial and failed to get a conviction. She is the same prosecutor who has overzealously prosecuted Marissa Alexander, for firing a warning shot into the wall to scare off her violent ex-husband. The Alexander case is the only case of the three for which she has gotten a conviction, and though Alexander has been granted a new trial, Corey intends yet again to send her to prison for 20 years for a crime that harmed no one…
… Yes, I know that Jordan’s killer may spend the rest of his life in prison. But this is not about jail time. This case, like the case of Trayvon Martin, hinges on whether white fear legally outweighs and is therefore more legally defensible than black life. The day before Jordan Davis would have turned 19 years old, a court failed to affirm the value of his life, his right to exist in space enjoying music with his friends, his right not to be harassed by someone while doing something as mundane as sitting in a parking lot at a gas station.
… I think it we can safely and fairly assume that it is open season on black teenagers, if the murders of Trayvon, Jordan and Renisha McBride are any indication…
…The question is how should black people respond? Having seen a lot of violence in my childhood, I’m a deep believer in and practitioner of nonviolence. But in the face of unreasonable violence toward our children, why do black people owe the nation the safety of our reasonable, rational, nonviolent responses? Whether we take it to the streets or stay home and raise our sons and daughters, they are killed all the same.
Let’s not let the facts get in the way of a good story, shall we Brittney?
The Gateway Pundit notes:
Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

And let’s not forget the “Knock Out Game” / “Polar Bear Hunting” / “Cracka Smacks” attacks committed by young blacks on innocent, unsuspecting members of other races.
The good folks over at The Conservative Treehouse have logged a few of these of late.
This past weekend another victim died. Until we honestly confront the reality of what is taking place we cannot expect to see this trend stop. Every single one of these attacks is a black youth, a specifically intended white victim, a random punch to the face/head:
Baton Rouge, Louisiana (victim killed)
St. Cloud, Minnesota (victim killed)
New York, New York (six victims from same thug)
Fort Myers, Florida (89-year-old victim)
Chicago, Illinois (Victim killed)
New Jersey (13, 14 year-old attackers, Victim killed)
Chicago, Illinois (victim killed)
Michigan (victim was armed and shot attacker in buttocks)
Chicago, Illinois (Victim killed)
New York, New York (Tourist victimized)
Dunn should have walked away a free man. Did not look like a fair trial to me I would not want my fate to depend on the jury he had. Cases like this are why I choose not to have a carry permit but I strongly support others who want to exercise that right.