Every school year, a handful of school administrators have to learn the hard way that they can’t tell their students to turn National Rifle Association t-shirts inside out or change clothes.

NRA shirts are protected political speech.  Violating First Amendment rights usually comes with a pretty stiff pricetag.

Like the bitter clingers who bitterly cling to the notion that the Second Amendment only applies to militia – in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary – some bitter clingers believe NRA t-shirts are inappropriate because of images of firearms contained thereon.

GRAND ISLAND, NY (WGRZ) – The parents of a Grand Island High School sophomore confirm their son was recently made to serve a one day in-school suspension, resulting from his refusal to change clothes after a determination the shirt he was wearing violated the school’s dress code.

Wayne and Kim Kinney describe their son Shane, 16, as an avid outdoorsman and hunter.

Shane, like his parents, is also a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA).

The Kinneys say their son recently went to school wearing a tee shirt depicting his support of the NRA and the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution.

“It’s the same shirt he’s worn before, but this time they said something about it,” Wayne Kinney told WGRZ-TV.

According to his parents, a teacher at the high school told Shane the shirt was inappropriate.

“They said it was the guns,” said Mr. Kinney, noting the NRA emblem over crossed rifles adorning the shirt.

4 thoughts on “Another school over-reacts on NRA t-shirt”
  1. The report I read said the parents aren’t going to sue (Mom works at the school).

    Sure how someone can find a way to make these idiots pay for their idiocy. This abridgment of our rights should cost them in the pocketbook.

  2. I would suggest that the administrators of this school be required to take down the American flag if it flies over this school as our Bill of Rights means nothing to them.

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