Last night’s Guns Save Life monthly meeting in Rantoul was a great time as well over two hundred fifty members and guests attended in a gathering of the faithful.

We showed support for Connecticut gun owners facing felony arrest for failing to register their guns (gee, does that sound like something that might have happened in the 1770s?), heard from a former Miss America seeking the Republican nomination for a Congressional seat, a political representative of a candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, and some young people who organize the Ford County Young Guns Program. We sent the Young Guns away with $250 sponsorship for their upcoming fundraising dinner.

The highlight of the night was Paul Lewis, a survivor of the Iranian Hostage Crisis in the late 1970s. He gave a first-hand account of what happened. You could have heard a pin drop as the audience listened to his recounting of the incident.

A first-time attendee and new member, Mr. Hillard of the Tuscola area, won the gun.
If you didn’t make the meeting, you should come out next month to one or more of our monthly GSL meetings in cities across Illinois. They are a lot of fun, upbeat and educational.
I stood strong and john told me to put a sock in it.
So tell me John –
What’s the difference between registering your gun and registering yourself to carry that gun? Permission slips are permission slips, homeboy.
You don’t need no steenking permission slip hypocrit, just do as you pleeze jus like the chicago thugs! Take yer chances and throw away yer gun iffn ya git caught and run away, jus like the thugs! Iffn ya git caught and do time fer yer felony, ya kin go back to steelin to git yer gun after ya git out of prison wit no right to own a firearm or vote, jus like yer crony thugs!
Every individual needs to decide if they are going to work within the system to change it or to disregard the system altogether. If you choose to disregard the system, then you must be prepared to face the possible consequences. If you work within the system, then you need to deal with the political realities and realize you are not going to get everything you want or have a right to all at once. It is a process that requires multiple smaller victories.
Look how far the other side has come with gay rights. They didn’t do that all at once. Knowing you are right doesn’t guarantee victory. You need to make the argument and convince people.
Amen, DM.
Some people would rather just sit on the sidelines and snipe.
I’d bet a dozen donuts that Hypocrisy on Display has a FOID card. Talk about the ultimate in hypocrisy.
The irony.
I thought last night’s GSL meeting was terrific. Paul Lewis was fascinating. Listening to him speak – I was struck by the similarities between Bengazi and Tehran – how the embassy was not well protected, how no one back in Washington was taking security seriously, and how the Marines were told to stand down. A striking parallel between the worst President and the Second worst President in history.
Where is the “Like” button?
I 100% agree, last night’s meeting was off the charts. Mr. Lewis was just fascinating. I think he should be on a speaking tour to talk to every 22 year old in the US. Compare what they are facing today to what he did. While I do remember part of the hostage situation, my memory is a bit fuzzy since I was a wee one when it happened. However, I am pretty sure that the kids in attendance last night got a great history lesson that they won’t soon forget. So proud to be affiliated with this organization and the people that we bring in to the meetings. The naysayers on here and at the meetings need to take a long hard look in the mirror before passing judgement on others. Where else can you go and socialize with like minded people, have the chance to win a new gun, and get a fantastic history lesson, all for free???