It’s “Hammer Time”…
From Albuquerque Journal.
Lapel camera video shows Albuquerque police officer fatally shooting hammer-wielding suspect.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Four rounds fired at close range from a beanbag shotgun did nothing to stop the advance of a man who threatened Albuquerque police with a hammer in early December, according to lapel-camera video released by APD on Friday.
Police cornered 37-year-old Andy Snider, who was armed with the hammer, shortly before 10 p.m. on Dec. 8 after chasing him down a university-area alleyway. Snider is not visible on screen at the time Albuquerque Police Department officer Nathan Cadroy shoots at him with the beanbag shotgun, and all that can be heard is “Beanbag him! Beanbag him!” when the officer shoots the first of four rounds, according to the video. The video is mostly dark and grainy outside of where officers’ flashlights are shining.
By the time the officer shoots the fourth nonlethal round, Snider can be seen sprinting toward him, undeterred, with the hammer in his hand. That’s when APD officer Hector Marquez, who was standing to Cadroy’s right, shoots four live, lethal rounds from his handgun from within several feet of Snider, the video shows.It’s unclear how many rounds struck Snider, but he ran past Cadroy and kept running down the alley for a few paces before falling over. The two officers stood near him, calling on him to drop the hammer and waited for backup to arrive.
Snider, a convicted felon, was later pronounced dead at the hospital. The officers were uninjured.
Good shoot.
Officer “Less than Lethal” is lucky he didn’t play the role of “nail” to bad guy’s hammer.
Drugged-up offenders don’t always respond to pain compliance techniques.
Such a far cry from officer invades home without warrant, shoots and kills guy standing there with knife, guy who was threatening no one but himself – inside own home.
GOOD SHOOT? That’s an anomalous term here, it seems.
Apparently being dead is no excuse for not obeying police orders…
Is it time to ban hammers yet? It’s for the protection of the fine men and women in blue. /sarcasm/
I see your buddies over at Illinois carry are advertising
Wait for it
equip 2 conceal
The plot thickens.