
It isn’t just a river in Egypt.

It would seem as though the first batch of denial letters have gone out from the Illinois State Police.

The letters (of which we’ve now seen two) go like this:

“In reviewing your application for a Concealed Carry License, the Illinois State Police received an objection to your eligibility from a law enforcement agency.  Pursuant to 430 ILCS 15(a), the ojection has been submitted to the Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board.  The Board has notified the Department that it has determined by a preponderance of the evidence that you pose a danger to yourself or others / are a threat to public safety.

Therefore, the Board has affirmed the objection and determined that you are not eligible for a Concealed Carry License.  Your application for a Concealed Carry License is hereby denied.  You may appeal the decision of the Board by petitioning in writing the circuit court in the county of your residence for a hearing on the denial.

Jessica Trame

Bureau Chief -Firearms Services


The letter does not specify which agency filed an objection, the contents of the objection or specifically how the individual is a danger to themselves and/or public safety.

In short, what we’ve got is a “may issue” licensing scheme, crafted by House Speaker Michael Madigan, where anti-gun local officials can nix a person’s carry license application based merely upon heresay, unsubstantiated allegations and our favorite – baseless, pro-forma orders of protections issues as part of divorce proceedings by attorneys seeking to bolster their clients’ negotiating position.

What now?

Those who have received these letters are often upstanding members of their community.  Both who have contacted Guns Save Life in recent days (I’m still catching up on email from an off-line weekend, so there may be more) hold carry permits from other states, in addition to valid FOID cards.  One is an Illinois-approved instructor (for the time being).

Valinda Rowe and Todd Vandermyde are compiling names and details of those who have been denied.

Mr. Vandermyde is working with the NRA’s lawyers at NRA’s headquarters in Waples Mill, VA and they are putting together their plans for taking these baseless denials head-on.

Valinda Rowe has the specifics of what they are looking for:

Please keep in mind this is new territory. We have never been here before and we are all learning the process as we go. There are a lot of questions we cannot answer yet, but we will find the answers. We ask that you be patient as we find our way through this.

First, if you have officially been denied by the Board of Review, please email as much information to me as you can:

1. Your complete legal name.
2. Your application number
3. TCN fingerprint number if you submitted prints.
4. A copy of the official notification letter(s).
5. Any personal history you think might have played a part in the denial.
6. Any interactions with law enforcement. This includes conversations, interviews, reports, arrests, convictions.

Email to VRowe(at)


Todd Vandermyde adds that they are wanting a full and complete narrative of your past.  “No secrets,” he wrote.  “Any lack of truthfulness will count against you.”


Also:  The Bloomington, IL connection.

Guns Save Life is investigating a Bloomington PD issue.  If you’ve been denied and you’ve lived in Bloomington any time in the past 10-15 years and/or have had ANY contact with Bloomington PD or any other agencies in McLean County, we want to hear from you.


17 thoughts on “Is your IL CCW DENIED? Click here for help”
  1. Thank you, GSL for the work. Keep the pressure on because the fight or our Constitutional rights in Illinois is just beginning!

  2. May issue, the Illinois version. I’ve been saying this for a while now and all the ‘experts’ told me I was wrong. It’s not a surprise to me that John came to the same conclusion…

  3. Anyone have any incite on what happened in Bloomington, Il with the police department? I have many friends who live there, frequent there often, and have many people from there who are signed up for some conceal carry classes I am organizing.

  4. can’t wait to see what the BPD connection involves. I am an Army Veteran who lives in Bloomington and I’ve been denied my CCW. I meet all the criteria and then some. My denial letter states that they have determined I am a danger to myself or others and a threat to public safety. WOW! WTF? Did not see that coming. thanks to all that are helping investigate this issue

  5. Thankfully I don’t live in Bloomington, but I too await the information.

    Bravo to GSL for helping those who are having problems.


  6. My denial letter says the state police have determined that I do not have a valid foid. My gun rights were restored in 2009 and I was issued a foid. I went to state police headquarters and was told that their legal dept was working on a way to revoke cards that were issued through the court relief process

  7. Hi. Just found this post and have a question. I just found out that my IL CCL applications is denied because of : “”Failed to meet all training requirements”. What I found out is that the State Police revoked my instructor’s licence and my training certificate became invalid and failing me in front of the state police ccl board. I’m not the only one though. There are probably more then 200 people who did their training with the same instructor and are getting their applications denied as we speak. I have not received any letters from the state police and I wonder if there is a way to re-apply or something If I take the class somewhere else. Its very frustrating to wait 2 months and find out at the end that all went down the drain.

  8. A Call to all Patriots and 2A supporters in Illinois.
    I was one of the first people in Illinois to be denied an Illinois CCW permit. The ISP (Illinois State Police) policy dictates that any local law enforcement agency may object to any person having a CCW permit if, in their opinion, that person could pose a threat to themselves or others. This “rule” is in direct conflict with their own law which states that Illinois is a “Shall-Issue” state and no CCW permit can be denied if the applicant meets all of the criteria for application.
    I contacted because of this article:
    I found out I was one of many people caught in this circumstance and I was illegally denied my Illinois CCW permit. They are working with the NRA and their attorneys to address this issue for many of us. They informed me to file my appeal per the new law as they are not able to get an extension on the 31 day deadline to file the appeal in time. They provided a well written drafted example of the form for me to file.
    I was told by the Circuit Clerk and the Judge’s Assistance (who conferred with the Judge) at McLean County Court that this is the first case for CCW denial they have seen.
    This may be landmark legislation for all of our 2nd amendment rights in Illinois and may set precedence for any future cases. I am reaching out to you because I am only one person with limited resources and I truly believe this issue is way more important than just me and deserves the best representation and media attention possible.
    My request is for true 2A supporters to join me at the hearing and ensure this is witnessed and documented for the movement. I am looking for any possible media coverage that the court will allow including but not limited to video recording. I would also like to reach out to any sharp, zealous 2A supporting attorneys that would be proud to step up to the plate and represent not just me but, more importantly, the protection of our constitutional rights as gun owners and be on the forefront of this issue. I would ask if a true patriot could step up to the plate and take the lead in this cause pro bono since my resources are limited.
    The hearing is scheduled for Friday May 30, 2014 at 9am in the McLean County, Illinois Court. Honorable Judge Rebecca S. Foley will be presiding. I have met Judge Foley and I am impressed with her capabilities and integrity.
    Please feel free to message me on Facebook or send me an email if you would like to do your part to help our cause.
    Dale Philby

  9. My CCW was denied- stated no valid FOID and answered yes to first question (felony 50 years ago) I have had the Court order ISP to reinstate my FOID in 2008

    Phon 309 275-1546

    8980E 1350N Rd
    Bloomington, IL 61705

  10. I was one of the first to apply as well. Denied for invalid FOID. Contacted my Chapin Rose. Said he was told that Illinois State was not allowed to give relief to felons, so the Feds were not honoring our FOID cards. STATE cards?? I have called everyone, e-mailed everyone, left a paper trail since I seen denied on the internet…even when to the court house in my county, Douglas, who said they had NO idea how to file a petition – no paper work, but would take $200.00 in case they got it!!! I don’t even know WHO denied me. Who love to hear from someone to tell me where else to go. Thank you for helping us.

  11. I too was denied on May 4th. I would like to appeal in writing (as is the protocol) but I have no idea how this appeal should look. Can anyone help me by providing a template to follow? It would be greatly appreciated.
    Also, I am currently running very low on “time” to meet the 30 day deadline…

    Thanks in advance!


  12. It seems the State cant do anything correct? If they don’t Issue, they’re criticized. If they weed out people who are dangerous, they are criticized. If you think that there will not be some people who will apply and receive permits and later prove to be ‘dangerous’ and should’ve been denied, you’re kidding yourself. The shame of it is the State will be criticized for issuing a permit to an idiot just as they are being criticized NOW for denying a permit to an idiot…………….

  13. my application was denied because I accidentally marked yes in the felony question. my question is is what kind of evidence do you use to say you should have said no. this is actually a clerical error not anything due to my actual history. I could use suggestions on how to do this appeal like I said I just don’t know how to prove I should have just said no to this question!

  14. My ccl was denied by the CCLRB .when I appealed it for misdemeanor that happened 25 years ago . They stated in returned letter that they don’t review appeals . I need to petition the court of the county I live in . The misdemeanor was for criminal mischief for actions that took place on a labor dispute strike 25 years ago . Have had no assaults , DUI . Or domestics . But someone who has those convictions over 5 years can obtain a ccl . Need direction thanks

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