We wrote about Chicago cops shooting 20-year-old Raason Shaw. We called him “Raisin” because that’s how we think he probably pronounced it.
Just as a guy we knew as “DEATHRAY” pronounced his name “Dee-ought-tray”.
Anyway, low-information “Raisin” is being portrayed as the choirboy angel by his family and friends. Of course, his momma is probably not looking for a wrongful death payout from Chicago, right?
“The police pulled a gun like he was going to shoot him too, telling him to back up,” said Veronique Jones, the victim’s cousin. “He was just laying there. He didn’t have no weapon or nothing. He was just trying to hop a gate.”
“He never posed a threat or anything,” said friend Jay White. “He had a warrant of his arrest that he knew of…so maybe that’s why he took off running.”
The incident drew a large crowd of people into the streets, a lot of them angry at what they viewed as an unprovoked shooting, openly confronted police. At least three people were led away in handcuffs.
“I got a call from my daughter. She was screaming and hollering. My son was going up to his cousin’s house and the next thing I know he’s running through the alley and the police shot him,” said Sharon Shaw, the victim’s mother.
Among those who were drawn out by the shooting was Shaw’s boss. She says the 20-year-old had a criminal history, but now worked for her, cleaning out foreclosed homes.
“He was a kid,” said Shamika Jordan. “He had a troubled past, but he was trying to get his life together. He had started working. Comes to work every day on time. I had no complaints about him.”
Aww. He “didn’t have a weapon or nothing”. He was just a 20-year-old “kid”, “trying to get his life together”.
All that bovine excrement kinda went sideways for mom and family when the peeps started posting their favorite pics of young Raisin.

Unfortunately for the family, some of his friends had some more dramatic stuff of Raisin.
With guns.
Yep, he was just a choirboy. We’re sure he had a FOID card and everything!
Good riddance, Raisin.
Chicago is a better place without you.
Wow, no finger on the trigger. What’s up with that?
I dont think we ever needed the stupid arse FOID card for any reason and i’m sure this young man did not have one.
It looks like this kid was trouble from Day one.
I would like to know about these jobs cleaning out foreclosed homes.
As far as no finger on the trigger evidently they teach proper fire control in the hood.
As a christian I was taught that any human life lost is a loss even if it is a troubled one.
We’ve know about this for 20 years:
“The socialization into gun ownership is also vastly different for legal and illegal gunowners.
Those who own legal guns have fathers who own guns for sport and hunting. On the other hand,
those who own illegal guns have friends who own illegal guns and are far more likely to be
gang members. For legal gunowners, socialization appears to take place in the family; for illegal gunowners, it appears to take place ‘on the street.'”
“Boys who own legal firearms have much lower rates of delinquency and drug use and are even slightly less delinquent than nonowners of guns.”
OH COME ON…….Everybody knows it was some old white fart that taught him all his skills…..
So, if I have my photo taken with a gun, it’s ok if the cops shoot me on a later date? Guns=death sentence? Or is that only for black people?
First two picture wasnt even him. He pronounced his name as ray shawn. I knew him and the only reason he had a gun in those pictures was cuz hes from the south side of chicago. Muder capital, i wouldnt walk the streets unarmed and neither would you.