Hope you have all the spare parts you anticipate needing… forever… for the Smith & Wesson 3rd generation guns, according to what folks are writing over at AR15.com and the Smith & Wesson Forum:
As a regular over at the S&W Forums I came across this
And confirmed it by calling S&W directly. They are ceasing part production and support for the 3rd Generation Series of pistols. Basically pulling a Ruger. If your older gun breaks and you send it off to them they scrap it and will “replace” it with a M&P Series gun. By replace they’ll sell you one at cost. So be careful of what you do with them.
I’m surprised of this since the NYPD still stocks the 5946, the LAPD still stocks the 4566, CHP just renewed the contract for the 4006TSW, and WVSP also just did a new contract for new 4566TSW pistols. Hell, the last general production 3rd Gen gun for the civilian market was sold less then five years ago.
None of them were as good as a 1911.
Yes you are correct!
I think that it is time for the NRA to put their attorneys to work on such cases. A class action lawsuit against them asking for somewhere in the neighborhood of $250.00 per affected firearm owner would most certainly give them reason to reconsider! The case would most certainly be a winner for those that bought firearms knowing that there was an absolute guarantee. The BNIB 5906 that I have is now just a worthless POS? Shame on you S&W and rest assured…I will NEVER buy another one of your firearms and will also tell everyone that I know to refrain from doing so. Corporate greed!!
I found this out a long time ago. So much for the worthless piece of paper that they gave me for life time something. I threw the paper away also.
They make more money on their plastic guns.
So what would they “replace” my 10mm with?
This eliminates the last item that the current company calling itself S&W could have sold me.
I purchased my last new S&W firearm in 2000. Other than the 3rg gen pistols, they have not made a firearm I would own since then.
With the agencies I see dumping the m&p guns (NCSHP/Atlanta PD/Texas DPS) I hope this stupid decision comes back to bite them! 🙂 Regards 18DAI
Nuts…first the Edsel and now my 3rd gens…
One of the best SA triggers on a production pistol I have encountered. M&P is not a worthy replacement imho. I concur witb previous statements about S&W making nothing in a while that is worth my time.
Why is my photo being used without my permission as is my post from AR15.com?