A dozen or more slots remain for this year’s Guns Save Life-sponsored Appleseed shoot in Bloomington, IL.
GSL brought Project Appleseed to Illinois back in 2008 and each year has continued to sponsor an event at Darnall’s GunWorks and Ranges in Bloomington by paying range fees for each and every participant for the weekend – essentially saving each shooter $40.

This year, we’ve got a remarkable group of instructor volunteers already signed up to work the event, and well over a dozen shooters signed up so far.
Sign up today. Click here for information. Click here to register.
There are slots available AND, for registrants under 18, we have some AMMUNITION! Yes, .22 long rifle ammunition – up to 400 rounds per person – will be provided for the first few youth participants. Limited supplies of ammunition will be available for adults to purchase at our cost.
GSL Defense Training is once again this year sponsoring the event with donations of water and snacks for the participants as well.
Although we like people to sign up and pay on the Appleseed website(appleseedinfo.org) you don’t have to do that to attend.
We will take walk ons, up to the range space available. At Bloomington, we’ve got room.
You also do not have to attend both days. If you’re only coming one day, try to make it Saturday, but if Sunday is the only day you can come, come anyway. At this venue we will have enough instructors that one of them can take a Sunday-only shooter aside to another shooting bay and catch them up in no time.
The price is right too. Instructors are volunteers, and Guns Save Life is donating the separate range fees for this shoot. The Appleseed fees are:
Adults: $40 for one day or $60 for two days.
Under 18: $15 for one day or $20 for two days.
Law Enforcement FREE
Active Duty Military (Includes current National Guard) FREE
Disabled FREE
Questions? Post them here, and I’ll answer them. Contact me via email: johnnaese AT frontier.com
I’m trying to take away all your excuses, and get you to come. You’ll be glad you did.
I’m going to echo Mr. Naese’s last line.
Bring your family and a friend or two. You’ll be glad you did.
There’s a reason we say this. It’s good fun and you’ll leave knowing how to more accurately shoot your rifle.