We received this letter at Guns Save Life’s PO Box and it took our breath away.

I have withheld the woman’s last name and city from the letter to ensure her job won’t be at risk (any more than it already is).

We admire her panache.

I’ve read several articles in GunNews lately about the group Moms Demand Action.  They are an embarrassment to our gender.

Each school day, those ladies send their children to public and private schools with invisible targets painted on their backs.  These moms (and others) have ensured that no teacher can protect the children in their care, then they cry out in outrage when there are school shootings.  Well, guess what ladies:  If teachers were packing, kids wouldn’t come in shooting.

Our kids go to a school where they are safe.  How can I be sure?  I am their teacher and I have a gun.  I will shoot anyone who comes into our school with the intent of raping, murdering or kidnapping “my” children.

I’m a mom and I don’t demand action.  I take it.


Last name and city in Illinois withheld.


20 thoughts on “LETTER FROM (ARMED) TEACHER: This mom doesn’t demand action. She takes it!”
  1. This teacher has bigger balls than Michael Bloomberg ever dreamed of having. Hell, she’s got bigger balls than mine and I’ll tell you why: If I had been a teacher, I don’t think I’d would have had the courage to carry in school.

    Attagirl, Stacey whoever you are.


    1. There goes that Sam Whittemore, talking about balls again. I’m starting to get a little concerned about him! Siggy

  2. Halleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t know you Stacey but would love to buy you dinner or donate some items to your school. If only there were more of you out there. Amen Sister! I am sure the parents of your “kids” are happy you are carrying no matter what side of the political fence they are on. Thank you for what you do on a daily basis.

  3. Like that doctor who stopped an armed gunman a month ago, she will be a hero if she ever needs it, and will be disciplined if found out before then.

    I think it would be appropriate to support such a teacher should she ever have a job related issue regarding her decision to keep herself armed. Bless that woman.

  4. Way to go, Stacey! I only hope that when I have kids, his/her teachers will have enough sense (and cajones) to do what you do! Keep it up and keep our kids safe!

  5. I am curious if she is in a location where she is allowed to carry, or if she is doing it despite a prohibition.

    1. Curtis: It’s my understanding that home schools aren’t exempted from the state and federal rules about guns in schools. Is that correct? I seem to remember a couple of home-school moms lamenting this to me in the past, wanting me to see about prodding Todd Vandermyde to take it up in the General Assembly.

      I don’t think that home school is the case here though. Without giving away too many clues, I believe her school isn’t that uptight about guns. The kind of school that probably had a rifle team way back when.


    2. We homeschool. If you’re teaching your children in your home, there are no restrictions on guns other than those that apply to everyone else. (must have FOID, etc..)
      Many homeschool families are part of a “Co-op” or two as well, where they bring their children to an outside location and they have a class as a group, generally taught by one or more parents. In this case, the rules are dependent on the location of the classes. If you’re at the Urbana Library for example, you aren’t going to be able to carry. If you’re at another family’s home and they’re ok with it, you can carry.
      I joke all the time that firearms are encouraged at my daughter’s school. We’ve done history class before while stripping and cleaning a Moisin-Nagant or re-bluing a shotgun barrel.

    3. In Illinois, only on-duty police (and criminals) are allowed to be armed in a school. She is committing a felony every time she goes onto school property while in possession of a firearm. I hope she used a false name (or GSL was smart enough to give her one).

  6. Wow! The most important lesson for any teacher to share with her students…I will protect your life and your rights as if they are my own! Refreshing to see a teacher that isn’t afraid to go against the liberal progressive machine dominant in our sorry educational system. I bet you fight against Common Core, too! God bless you in your classroom where ever that may be. One Kick Ass Teacher!

    1. In Illinois, only on-duty police (and criminals) are allowed to be armed in a school. Every time she goes onto school property while in possession of a firearm, she is committing a felony. I hope she used a false name (or GSL was smart enough to give her one).

  7. Our greatest president(personal opinion) once said: “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty”

    I am glad this teacher is doing her duty. Thank you, Stacey.

  8. I think the “gun-free” school zone is a horrible law, but she is taking a terrible risk. The doctor in PA was at most committing a misdemeanor (trespass) for carrying at work.

    I hope she used a false name (or GSL was smart enough to give her one). In Illinois, only on-duty police (and criminals) are allowed to be armed in a school. She is committing a felony every time she goes onto school property while in possession of a firearm. There can only be so many women named “Stacey” who are teachers in IL.

    And unless she has an IL ccl, she is also committing a federal felony by being armed on school property.

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