The Brady Campaign is desperately trying to remain relevant to gun control.
They’re coming to our front yard with their media circus in an effort to remain viable.
We’re going to meet them and let them know what we think of their miserable attempt to recreate past tyrannies.
Here’s your chance to participate in some direct action to promote and defend gun rights.
Guns Save Life members, friends and like-minded patriots: We’re encouraging our members to join us from 10:00 AM-12:00 noon, Saturday, Sept. 6th at Chuck’s Guns in Riverdale.
14310 S Indiana Ave.
Riverdale, IL 60827
Chuck’s Guns has been the site for a number of nasty anti-gun “protests” over the years. It’s due in part to their proximity.
They are repeatedly maligned by those who hate your gun rights and who work to keep you helpless to predatory thugs. They are an honest dealer, and have repeatedly been put under the microscope by anti-gun politicians and police departments nearby and have always come up clean and above-board.
In one protest a few years ago, local activist priest Father Michael Pfleger made an ass of himself and embarrassed the Catholic Church by encouraging his followers to “snuff” out John Riggio, the owner of Chuck’s.
Solicitation of murder. Not exactly something you would expect from a Catholic priest, right?
From Wikipedia:
In May 2007, during a Rainbow/PUSH Coalition protest outside a suburban Chicago gun shop, Pfleger was accused of threatening the life of the owner, John Riggio. The Illinois State Rifle Association released a tape where Pfleger was heard telling the assembled crowd, “He’s the owner of Chuck’s. John Riggio. R-i-g-g-i-o. We’re going to find you and snuff you out… you know you’re going to hide like a rat. You’re going to hide but like a rat we’re going to catch you and pull you out.” Pfleger later claimed his use of the phrase “snuff you out” was misinterpreted.
Cardinal George rebuked Pfleger, saying, “Publicly delivering a threat against anyone’s life betrays the civil order and is morally outrageous, especially if this threat came from a priest.” Pfleger claimed that he did not intend to use the word “snuff” as a slang term for “kill”, but rather as a substitute for “pull”, as he used later in his statement.[21]
During another protest at the same store, Pfleger and Jesse Jackson were arrested by Chicago police for blocking the entrance to the store. Both were later released without charge. The store had been the target of multiple protests by Pfleger and Jackson. According to the Americans for Gun Safety Foundation, Chuck’s Gun Shop & Range, had sold over 2,000 weapons that were traced to crimes committed between 1996 and 2004.[22]
If memory serves, It wouldn’t be the first time Pfleger was a problem Priest. Pfleger was given a time-out by the Cardinal for some of his activist antics in 2011.
Which brings us to present day. The Brady Campaign is clinging to life. At one time, they were known as the Coalition to Ban Handguns, and then Handgun Control, Inc. They didn’t have much luck under those banners, so they tried to rename and rebrand themselves as the “Brady Campaign”. They had lots of benefactors back in the day, but after years of suffering nothing but defeat after defeat, their support base dropped dramatically.
In recent years they’ve been left in the dust by Gabby Giffords’ Americans for Gun Safety and Michael Bloomberg’s whole family of gun grabbing groups (groups with no members, of course) operating under the Everytown for Gun Control umbrella. Gun control activism money, outside of Giffords and Bloomberg trying to buy grassroots but ending up with third-rate used Astroturf (apologies to the holders of the Astroturf trademark), has pretty much dried up.
Who wants to squander money on a failed endeavor?
(Michael Bloomberg, that’s who!)
The Brady Bunch needs a big success to survive, and they’re trying to score one at the expense of a law-abiding, taxpaying business chock full of card-carrying good guys who work there and own the place.
The Bradys are seeking the media spotlight on Saturday, September 6th.
Here’s what the Brady Campaign has in mind.
“Bad Apple” Gun Dealers Campaign rally
Help make our communities safer. Join community leaders and community members to call upon Bad Apple Gun Dealers to reform the way they conduct business and STOP selling guns to dangerous people.
Between 2009 and 2013, four local dealers supplied nearly 20% of the guns recovered in Chicago crime scenes. These stores – Chuck’s (Riverdale, IL), Midwest Sporting Goods (Lyons, IL), Shore Galleries (Lincolnwood, IL), and Westforth Sports, Inc (Gary, IN) are all within a short drive of Chicago and are the source of thousands of guns recovered in crimes in Chicago.
Chuck’s, however has consistently been the worst offender year after year, selling thousands (1,516) of crime guns.
Join us in telling Chuck’s to reform!
We want gun owners to meet the Brady bunch head on and let them know their anti-civil rights actions aren’t welcome.
If this is okay with Chuck’s, I might have to see if my domestic supervisor will let me go play.
Ok great BUT do WE need a permit to gather or will they arrest us. And if we have a c c lisense and carry will we get in trouble ???
I suggest we simply go there as customers wearing IGOLD shirts and purchase something from Chuck’s that day. Anything that’s firearm related will do, even small purchases add up to help defray the loss of walk-in business that a stupid, angry anti-civil rights crowd out front could cause.
It’d sure be nice if these anti-gun demonstrations work out as extra-profitable days for the gun shops.
I think I might do both!
At least three crime guns from Chuck’s have been used in direct killings of law enforcement officers, so its very appropriate that Brady launch its national initiative here. There’s nothing “anti-gun” about it, so all law abiding gun owners who support keeping guns out of dangerous hands are welcomed to come, participate & listen to the family of slain Chicago police officer and 2-time Iraqi war veteran Thomas Wortham IV speak on the need to hold Bad Apple Gun Dealers accountable, as well as shooters, gun traffickers, straw purchasers and other criminals and prohibited persons.